The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

A A A general office experience; malary 660. Box It cashier in the Box evening: win Plata work Deater. Sunday with: CLERICAL position- High school graduate, THREE a position In moving picture theater YOUNG MAN, HAVING SELLING YOUNG lady, with experience, would like commercial education and years' EXPERIENCE FOR 622-T, Plain. Dealer, YEARS, WISHES TO JOIN A necessary. CORRESPONDENT-28, desires "position in SALES DEPARTMENT OF SOME Niko REFINED to take care English of children speaking evenings would durclaim or service dept.

of local Arm; college OP- parents' absence: fee reasonable, Bor promotion, advertising. collection, LARGE MANUFACTURING FIRM, education; technical and gen. training WHERE THERE IS A GOOD 808-8, Plain Dealer. and experience: exceptional ability: depend- PORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. AMERICAN woman, 80, wishes housekeepable and conscientious worker; salary sec- IF BUSINESS NECESSITATES ing where there are other women; gond ondary to opportunity; local early In- cook, very reasonable.

Box 921-V. terview solicited. Box 605-T. Plain Dealer. CALLING ON RETAIL TRADE, Plain Dealer.

DESIGNING of machinery, see Special WILL USE MY AUTO TO DO SO. REFINED young lady wishes position SALARY MUST BE AT LEAST $150 light companion work; best to lady; city ref. willing Box to 822-T. Plain assist with portenced, mechanical and tool Plain PER MO. IF I FURNISH MACHINE.

Dealer. desires. position. Bor 5-T, BOX NO. 505-M, PLAIN DEALER.

3 Dealer. COLORED woman wants position as cook DRAFTSMAN- -Mech. and structural, inven- cAn In rive restaurant references. or hotel; C. 2480 will gO W.

out £430 of city; tions developed. Box 404-V, Plain Dealer. sires WIDE-AWAKE to locate man, with 32, responaible married, de- tral-av. ELECTRICIAN, technical graduate in E. facturer or merchant In growing manu- ENGLISH.

German, Hungarian, Slarish with years practical experience, wants ness: capable of taking full charge of girl wishes general housework in electrical work. Bor 104-T, Plain Dealer. credits, collections, accounting, Corte- priv. family. Call at 726 E.

S2d-at, floor, ENGINEER or electrician desires steady po- plaints; mondence: record succesaful clear; this in la bona adjusting Ade; com- ail REFINED middle aged lady seek. position industrious and reliable, with good K. replies acknowledged. Box 3' 108-T, as useful companion to lady; no children; reference: in or out of city. Cen.

4004 Plain Dealer. salary optional. Box 1800-T, Plain Dealer, Box 124 T. Plain Dealer, YOUNG widow, with child, wants pos. with ENGINEER-18 years' experience; YOUNG many wishes to learn auto elderly: couple; excel.

cook and houseand D. C. 37 Amherst. ing for small wages; some experience and keeper; terms reas. Box 923-V, Plain Dealer, FIREMAN- Licensed, sober, trustworthy, auto license.

S. Babits, 2612 Woodland-av. WANTED -Place by competent. teacher years' experience, Box 1318-V, as governess or tutor in private 'family; Plain Dealer. best of references.

Box 10-T, Plain Dealer, GARDENER and caretaker of horses, COWS, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, PERMANENT position by. atenographer; 8 chickens and lawn, wants steady position HOTEL and years' experience; at present employed, deanywhere, experienced, steady and sober, LABORERS, restaurant help FARM supplied HANDS, free. sires to change. Box 1210-T, Plain Dealer. middleaged, single man.

L. B. Christner, Phone WALSH. Main 5167. Erie' 291.

215 Prospect-av, Cleveland, 0. WOMAN, working bousekeeper trustworthy, for wants elderly position couple 89 or GARDENER -Competent married man; city rant LABORERS, help supplied handymen. free. mechanics, STAR, restau- Main buelness woman: best city ref. Rose 4278 J.

country; good forist; cow, Cent. 5531. 40 or chickens; handy with tools. Box 513-T, Plain Dealer. 5531; in city EXPERIENCED In line: saleslady wants situation ALL Kinds best help supplied free.

ACME, considered. Box any 412-S. Plain department Dealer. store and for caretaker; country or city; the good best re- Main 2016: Cent. 611.

308 W. Superior. GARDENER worksulte, er 0818 Raymond-av. will give HUNGARIAN woman, with girl, FEMALE, Ing. wants to leave general city.

10830 housework; Crest good wood. will- cook; life. experience. wants good eltuation. Box 808-V, Plain Dealer.

BOOKKEEPER -Lady wants position; sev- YOUNG lady desires position in dentist's GARDENER and cook, man and wife. Call eral years' experience. Box 1221-V, Plain office: five years' experience in laboratory at 2111 E. Dealer. work; ref.

Box 24-V. Plain Dealer. GENERAL OFFICE MAN, EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER- -Four years experience; ca- EXPERIENCED Hungarian girl wants postIN SHIPPING, BOOKKEEPING, TYPE- pable, accurate: Box 1208-8, Plain Dealer. tion as second girl or general work in WRITING AND CORRESPONDENCE, small family. 1537 E.

41st-st. NEEDS POSITION: MARRIED MAN, 30 work: exp. LOOKKEEPER-Assistant, Box 1211-9, or Plain Dealer. TUTORING High school mathematica, general once YEARS OLD; SOBER AND RELIABLE; English, Latin, Greek, French. 1769 E.

REFERENCES. BOX 23-V, PLAIN BUNDLE washing to take home; Arst-clane 87th-et. Gar. 2093. W.

DEALER. work; also Garf, 5039 W. WOMAN, good French and Gorman cook, JANITOR, married, wants position; under. CHECKER--Exp. at.

Bismarck restaurant, also good in housework, wants work. Mra. stands hot and cold water, gas Atting 223-8, and 921 Huron-rd. Smith, 1580 E. 18th-st.

electric wiring; strictly sober, Box Plain Dealer, CONVALESCENT or maternity. by capable REFINED young woman Wants work eveLICENSED freman wants position. 3448 W. charge and of agreeable home. nurse.

Nurse, 6114 competent' to Lexington-av. take 9723 nings a or Madison. 3 days per week. Address L. COOK-Colored, small boarding house or EXP.

bookkeeper, cashier, desires position; PAPERING done by our students or learn hotel; in or out city. L. 2371 E. 33d. salary $80; ref.

Box 1316-V, Plain Dealer. the trade yourself; 10 lessons $10. Buckeye Paperh'ging School, 1836 St. Clair. C.

6189 COOK -Good experience. 8009. Hough-av. PLACES to wash weekly; state day; roll; Princeton 1567 R. want work at once.

3117 Croton-av. PAPERHANGING-12 1-2c to 15c per work guaranteed. Watterson, Rosedale, DAY work or cook, colored; competent. YOUNG woman as assistant to dressmaker 1103 W. Rosedale 281 with chance of learning.

7910 Medina. PAPERIANGER. Princeton 2349 K. 2198 DEMONSTRATOR--Experienced, 'A1; store COMPETENT woman wants day's work. E.

76th. work preferred; will travel. Box 025-T, Call all week, Rosedale 3303 R. PIPE FITTER--Sober, married, experi- Plain Dealer. NEAT colored girl wants work: afternoons enced.

Box 1800-T. Plain Dealer. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed; and Saturday. Garf. 1839 M.

PORTER or meat cutter, saloon experience. prices Park, reasonable. Mra. Livingaton, GIRL wants position for general; good cook; 8819 desires situation. Box 622-S, Plain Dealer.

Wade no laundry. 8494 W. 44th-st. to PRINTER-Foreman, Arat-class job: and DRESSMAKING by the day; $3, COLORED woman wants day work Monday Gardeld book printer; stone man, wants position 4588 J. and Pros.

1145 W. where ability, Industry and sobriety Dealer. will HOUSE or 5 restaurant m. 1884 work; W. woman wants; GERMAN woman wants washing, ironing, gain advancement.

Box 110-T, Plain 6 a. m. to p. cleaning. 5703 Denison.

PRINTER-First-class man wants steady HOUSEKEEPER--Refined Christian refinement woman, EXPERIENCED German woman to wash work at wages $12 week; private ptg. plant 40 yre, of age, wishes surroundings essential. Box and iron, 5201 Detroit. position; preferred. Box 1001-T, Plain Dealer.

of family and 108-T, Plain Dealer. YOUNG lady desires work evenings. Box REAL ESTATE MAN -Energetic, experl- con- HOUSEKEEPER-Middle-aged woman In 707-V. Plain Dealer. enced, as associate with -good party; Adential.

Box 507-M, Plain Dealer. home where high-class services are appre- HUNGARIAN girl wants general housework. clated; no objections to children; ref. Box 3605 Siam-av. SALES MANAGER 16-R, Plain Dealer.

HUNGARIAN Woman, exp. cook. 10830 Young man wants executive position: lIve HOUSEKEEPER, with boy 3. years, desires Crestwood. wire sales and force; producer; good specialty initiative; or can staple article position In Box refined 1219-V.

home; Plain thoroughly Dealer. ex- ANY girl needing friendly advice write to organize Box 823-T, Plain perienced. Salvation Army home, 6905 Kinsman ed, preferred; A-1 reforences. HOUSEKEEPER by lady with daughter, 9 Cleveland, or call in person. Dealer.

SALESMAN--Experienced specialty and 14826 Detroit-av. Marlo 1747. In small family. Mrs. B.

Masters, servico propositions, 28, married, desires EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. salaried ganization; city tech. connection college education; city reta. an; small family; moderate wages. Box BEST WOMEN FOR CLEANING, with reputable or- HOUSEKEEPER--By relia.

American womBox 220-T, Plain Dealer. 717-T, Pain Dealer, washing and WALSH, ironing Main 516T: supplied Erie free. 297. SALESMAN traveling by auto among farm- HOUSEKEEPER- Competent woman wishes Phone ers Cuyahoga county would consider plac- position or work by the day. Box 1308-T, COMPETENT cleaning, WOMEN supplied free.

Ing display advertising; Box Plain Dealer, for washing. MAIN Ironing, 5531; CENT. 5631. 207-V. Plain Dealer, HOUSEKEEPER OR COOK Experienced.

STAR, SECRETARY-10 years' experience; can 10034 Euclid or Box 805-S, Plain Dealer. COMPETENT day laundresses 2610; and Cent. cleaners 611. take charge of office and general corre- reception room, supplied free. Acme, Main spondence: at present employed, but position as companion to lady or children; young Engdesirous of making change; will Box accept 524-T, Plain lish lady requires position of trust; daily STENOGRAPHERS.

Arst-class preferred; good references. 2080 W. Slet-st. Dealer. drafts- HOUSEWORK -General, in fam.

of 2 or 8: PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Duplicating, 3 4. SHEET METAL worker and pattern no laundry work; Lakewood preferred. Multigraphing. MISS L. L.

CHANDLER. man wishes position. Box 408-T. Plain Mario 803 J. Central 6821 K.

429 The Arcade. Main 1888. Dealer. 6 HOUSEWORK--Girl experienced for 2d or EMMA A. MATTOON, public stenographer, SHIPPING or receiving or stock clerk; upstairs work.

988 E. 74th, rear of 986, multi. 883 Old Arcade. Euclid end. M.

5791 good ret. Box 806-8, Plain suite 4. Dealer. HOUSEWORK -General, Polish, neat, DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper: character, experienced, Industri- perienced.

Zmlgrodzka, 7028 Aetna-rd. rapid, accurate, good handled. wants second; PLEATING AND HEMSTITCHING ouR; heavy correspondence BoX HOUSEWORK- -German E. girl Non-rust washable covered buttons. 404-T, Plain Dealer.

speaks English. 1028 78th-st. ART PLEATING SHOP, 438 Old Arcade. STENOGRAPHER--Beginner would con- HOUSEWORK -Woman with 4-year-old DRESSMAKING remodeling. 1954 place where there 1s opportunity boy.

1403 Denison-av, upstairs. Gart. 2120 M. for advancement; age 18. 2115 Fern-ct.

HOUSEWORK--General, by competent Ger- DRESSMAKING and alterations; price STOREI experience in with recelving large and man girl. 4519 Payne-av N. E. onable. 1841 E.

030-st. Rosedale 1336 W. and shipping, 14 only, yra. Box 323-8, Plain Dealer. HOUSEWORK by refined girl; adults only; PLAITING, covered buttons, hemstitching.

615 business place small family. 3127 E. 93d. Novelty Dress Trimming 424 Euclid. Si TINNER and sheet metal 2118 Prospect.

HOUSEWORK- Girl; speaks German and FAMILY sewing by day; alteration specialty. wants work. H. A. Smith, English.

1907 W. 50th-st. Phone Garfield 4148 J. 2264 E. 03d-et.

504 TRAVELING Salesman with eight reliable HOUSEWORK -Two competent rirls want experience' wishes to Box connect 13-T; Plain Dealer. general. 1445 Ellbur-av. with Arm; best reference. FOR RENT.

res- have had HOUSEWORK -Young girl to assist In renVARNISH maker and salesman, with a rell- eral. 1388 E. ROOMS AND ROOMS AND BOARD. 15 years want to locate able firm; best reference. Box 808-T, Plain HOUSEWORK--Young girl for ren.

Inq. ADDISON-RD, A 1514-4 rooms, completely Dealer. 2914 Bridge-av. furnished: $28. Suite 6.

Garfield 6027 W. Consider A Man manager HOUSEWORK -Finn girl wants general. ANSEL-RD. 1338-Nicely furn. room for of integrity, experience.

student Salesman, and worker 3033 Mabel-av. or 2 gentlemen, or man and wife; all mod, advertising copy writer; JEWELRY saleslady; experienced; also re- conv. Garfield 6767 J. 7. my Who Desires a Position lines Indicated.

pair work. Box 409-V, Plain Dealer, safe- during his vacation In take ARCADE, 501 Superior N. -Nicely bath. turn. save If you offer job govern LAUNDRESS (white), would ilke to rooms, $1.75 up; 85c, 50c day; gas, your reply Take Notice! accordingly home family and bundle gents' washing; bundle wash; shirt E.

28th and EuclidAnd cheerful, competent, waists and dress, also and lace curtaina; ARDEN Hotel, rooms with or without or The advertiser 1s Now earns 8 all kinds of 7709 fancy Wade work Park. Rosedale 3974 W. lath, el. run. water, priv.

Independent and fifty. expects more, and best work. w'kly $3 up; trans. 75c up. Proa.

481; C. 6050. comfortable Income, LAUNDRESS, white, to take bundle washHe Can Make Good shirtwaists, lace curtains; class Hotel, 5521 Euclid -Famfor you. Might change permanently. More work ing, guar.

Garf. 3574 J. 1969 E. 79th. AVENUE transient, opp.

Penna. information box 419-R, Plain Dealer. station; monthly rates. 1191. MERCHANTS, business.

men, whose busi- LAUNDRESS -Refined, colored; Mondays, Rose- E. 107th-Just completed; finIll. not require services of a regular Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays. BAY est 8-r. STATE, suite; Euclid car.

M. 2098 or Jan. bank all-day and have bookkeeper: considerable Am employed spare in time large to dale LAUNDRESS 1948 -Washing to do at home; large BEACHLAND, Canterbury-rd, 18218-BeauM. stock devote; bare had much will experience; charge can reason- come or small; good Ironer. Garf.

tiful hot, cold running dinners 4472 R. surroundings; attractive, room, elec, well recommended, and LAUNDRESS in Arst-class family; family; phone in advance, Wool ably; temporary or steady work. Box 524-8, Wed. and Friday. Rose.

4072 W. 768 bring K. your Beach priv. Shore line, stop 127 1-2. Plain Dealer.

LAUNDRESS and experienced Ironer; W. Mon- BEACHLAND, 18318, roonia. Landseer-rd-Furn. 12 IF YOU have position to offer executive where or respon- man'g day and Tuesday, Prospect 1304 rooms; very pleasant ability with in technical expr. appreciated and nousework by 2 experienced for light paramount, 8380- tact and diplomacy, with addition of few LAUNDRY or references.

10324 Kempton-av. BEERSFORD-RD, sleeping all con. Eddy 3198 foreign tongueg required, to assume dutles take home-First-class work; 1318-Furn. front room for 1 would Finn girls; ac- of secretary or asst. your Interview to J.

BELLE-AV, with cordially solicited. Box 1-V, Plain Dealer. references. Garfleld 4381 or One location; 2 car lines; priv. board it dealred.

Phone Marlo 466 R. YOUNG man, 28, married, employed in of- MATERNITY reference: nurse, $15 week; hospital train- BOLIVAR, 420, near market--Nicely furn. ten years experience, Expe- Ace present position over work six as years, desires good Harvard 1372 J. $1.30 up: 300 and 50c day; gas, bath. to change for outside collector or ing.

similar; property owner, can give own Slavish. bond; NEW YORK DRESSMAKER -Latest style BOLIVAR, 914, Hotel Utica-Rooms, only. 25c-350 at- speaks German, Bohemian, Polish, dresses and suits rapidly made; $3 per day: $1.50 wk. up; gentlemen Box Box 1125-T, Plain Dealer, day. Box 712-T, Plain Dealer.

YOUNG man, honest and industrious, good experience wishes posi- BROOKLINE, and Euclid car; rest. nr. Garf. 818 -Well rumn. el.

Its. thor- education, dry goods suitable and grocery experi- tion' either in sanitarium or to care for in- BURWELL-AV 9. 8918-Fine, light, 4-r. NURSE with hospital Payne po- 909-S, ence, desires any references. position; Roberta, small valid.

Call between 1 and 5, 1841 E. 63d-st; suites, stove and range; free laundry gas; wages to commence; Rose. 1336 $10 and $11. Inq. suite 6, Mrs.

Lang. Garfield NURSE -Practical, las companion to COD- 7114-Sulte well furn. room 5008 W. YOUNG man with high school training, valescent or elderly person; entire care of for CARNEGIE, 1 or gents; private Plain speaking and desires writnig any or kind Bohemian. of position, German Infant or young child; best reference.

Eddy near 3 car lines; reasonable. clerical or otherwise. Box 1220-V, Plain 2109 M. CARNEGIE, 7908, suite 1-Light alry room English, practical, middle age, care Eddy of 708 In- J. for gentleman or lady employed.

Garf. Dealer, NURSE, YOUNG married man, good education, ambi- valid, Assist with housework. 553 R. drafts- tlous and energetic, with commercial ex- NURSING cases; Trill assist house- CARNEGIE-AV, 8205-Nicely furn. room broad inside and on the road.

desires a po- work. Gar. 3615 Pr. 1939 L. 2230 with running water sultable for 2, with post- sition.

Box 503-M, Plain Dealer. D. 106th-st. pertence board. -Position as purchasing agent OFFICE GIRL -Experienced, desires: DOS- CARNEGIE, Front room with: factory or mill engineering box 816-R, ability; refer- Plain tion.

Box 216-T. Plain Dealer, suitable for 2 gentleman. Rose. 688 It. ret.

ences. Address S. city PRACTICAL nurse to aged, assist light du- CARNEGIE-AV. 4307-Rooma with board; Dealer. ties; small salary.

Garfleld 1026 R. home cooking; all SA Rose. 1826 L. desirea YOUNG man, 24, has wants all day employment Sun. and any ROUGH dry xashing or day work.

Mrs. CARNEGIE, 7804-2 rooms. with bath. single evenings free; Box 908-T. Plain Dealer.

Jackson (colored). Gar, 5774 J. 87 18 Blaine en suite; nr, 8 car lines: all mod. conv. Rind; ret.

furn. experi- or all to start at the bottom STENOGRAPHER years CARNEGIE, 3734-Front housekeeping room; con- YOUNG man willing later develop into sales- hard dictation; willing to kitchenette; modern Phone of mfg. co. and work: ref. Harv.

1230 M. start with moderate salary. Box 119-V. 9801-Nicely turn. room, home man, destres Plain Dealer, privileges: large living room; will furnish.

Wm. WANTED--Any kind of work work for Afternoons preferred; STENOGRAPHER Competent, accurate, breakfast or can have use of kitchen; also J. and evenings; Edge. .1651 garden bet. 7 and D.

rapid, with Initiative, desires permanent laundry and phone; would be nice aru place for please call position, Box 1812-S. Plain Dealer. Rose- 2 nurses or 2 employed ladles, as I alone middle 8.8 sales manager; and would like companion; on Cedar CAr WANTED--Position experience; high. class. dalel 3923 J.

line, clos, to Euc. and E. 105th. Garf. 1529 dress B.

box 519-R, Plain Dealer, petent, to act as private secretary; high- CEDAR-AV, 11002, suite 4-Nicely furnished twelve years' A STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, comaround 23, would like position Box 1016-S, Plain Dealer. room for one or two; home privileges, in wishes YOUNG man. receiving clerk; good pen- est. references. modern Cedar, Euclid Heights or man.

shipping Box and 405-T, Plain Dealer, help on books, years Box experl- 514-V, Shaker position good carpenter and painter, ence; Dealer, willing CEDAR, 5607 -Extra large front room, 1st the HANDY man, desires steady position. 3421 Plain foor, off by Itself; 9, windows; large porch; colored, Rose. 3479 J. STENOGRAPHER or private expert shade trees; 8 or 4 men; nice home. Scovlil-av.

desires to make change, Box 912-R, Plain BOY. 17 wishes work of any kind; 2180 has Dealer. CEDAR-AV, rent nr. $10 mo. Inq.

The Hub Cloth22d-st-8 and 4-room suites, steady ex- had 2 drug store exp. Add. So. desires permanent position with Lakeland, Lakewood, 0. STENOG.

reltable concern; Al ref. Box 410-T, Plain ing 225 OWNER of Ford same machine could be used. Box Dealer. priv desirable. Gart.

4337 M. would like CEDAR-AV. 9503-Nicely furn. ft. all ployment where STENOGRAPHER--Beginner; quick at dioDyke's 516-V.

Plain Dealer. tatiou; $6 a 713-T, Plain Dealer. CEDAR, 9104, suite 10-Cheerfully Gardeld furnished Plato YOUNG man. 27, office and sales experience, desires per- room; all home comforts. 744.

J. 414-V, Plain Dealer. manent subatituting; A1 references. for summer, BE elect. cooking optional.

would like to connect with good Arm. Box position. Edgewater 1822 R. CEDAR-AV. 7826-2 turn.

front cheap -CLASS general mechanic desires Box STENOG. 1010-T, desires Plain Dealer, CEDAR. 7900-Nicely turn. front room for 1 Plain change of 'position. Box 323-T.

Plain or 2 gents; reas. Gardeid 4258 M. efficient: COLORED man and wife desire pasitions as clerical work. Box $06-9. hot bath, phone nice home; $2.60.

Dealer. TEL. 5 8 Plain Dealer. CEDAR, 5607-Bleeping room, eleot. with or without Dealer.

place: cook and butler in priv. ref. Rose. WASHING, ironing, 2174 to gO Fulton-rd. on out or take CEDAR, $512-2 desirable rooms: sleeping or 281 W.

home; cleaning. housekeeping; priv. reas. man, YOUNG man desires position in office. has WASHING French: lady would like to take expert- some knowledge of bkpg.

Box 22-R, Plato Payne-av. suite 2.7 CENTRAL-AV, 6814-3 and 5-r. suites, outM. Dealer. home.

1507 side roomS, janitor service. Inq. Mrs. refer- CEMENT WORK. 'ALL KINDS FOR BEST car WASHING fare: day.

Two 1032 German E. 64th-st. women; $1.33 and Ging, suite 3. Euclid and E. 20th-With PRICES.

CALL MR. WELLS, GARF. or take home; Charleston, or without private bath; by: 269S. WASHING reference. Pros.

911 W. the week $2.60 up; by the day 15c up. and troning day exp. BOY, 17 wishes work in electrical line. position.

Add. 2130 So. Lakeland, Lakewood, 0. WASHING- -Woman to go out 3 days CHATHAM-AV. room for 7613 Rawlings-a7.

centleman. West 81 R. refs; on a farm. Box 1113-S, Plain Dealer. WASHING and ironing to do at borne.

2600 11817--Fire rooms and TOUNG couple would like to hare position week. Princeton W. 41st. upstairs. bath, upstairs, garage.

Eddy 8240 J. MAN work AND together in WIFE-All city. 2241 around. Cedar. STENOGRAPHER OF EXwant to EXPERT EXCELLENT BUSINESS CLARK ratea.

Hotel: 60c, 1219 75c, Prospect AV. weekly 1153. neat ANY kind of work. evening hours, by PERIENOE, Japanese. Box TV, Plain Dealer, JUDGMENT AND CORRESPONDENCE, DE- CLARK-AV.

8012-Nicely fur. fr. room for CAPABLE OF HANDhelp wants" once LING HEAVY SECURE HIGH GRADE POSI- 1 or 2 genta; all no other roomers. BOY. work.

17, Box 403-T. Plain Dealer. SIRES TO ROX 1112-T. PLAIN DALER. honest and reliable, TION.

CLARK. 7907-Nicely ref, tura. front room, priv. WANTED- Position 88 collector; 29 yrs. old: WOMAN with baby wants.

work la exchange country fine location: upright man. Cent. 3294 K. or small town near home. Cleveland, in Mra.

cor. 112th-52-Nicely furtruck, MAN--Handy, garden or. reneral work; col- for her board and good nished front room; 5 minutes walk from 1055 st. Wesley, Euclid, and state particulars. Edgewater and bathing beach; 15 minored.

Proe. woman wants work by day. lutes from Square; optional. Maria 60, MAN, young, wants any kind of work. 1520 Prospect 1007 R.



A MALE. FEMALE. ZELP WANTED. MALE. GISHOLT OPERATORS, boring mill operators, milling machine hands, Norton grinders, external; experienced hands for Lapoint-Keyway shapers; planer hands for jig work.

CLEVELAND AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO. 2269 Ahland Rd. SALESMEN. SALESMEN. A and early fall, we plan to materially increase our.

already large NTICIPATING a tremendous revival of business in the late summer Our selling lines are organization. CALENDARS and SPECIALTIES for ADVERTISING, and we are the largest house in world devoting their facilities exclusively to this vast and growing industry. We employ salesmen under a liberal commission contract, which prodetermined men an opportunity to make a handsome rides hard working, income. We invite correspondence from men of force and persistency, and to expedite negotiations suggest sending with yourself, first your letter business a photograph, experience and together references, with and an outline by counties of 8 small territory in which full information regarding you would prefer to begin work. THE AMERICAN ART WORKS, COSHOCTON, OHIO.

AGENTS. AGENTS. YOU CAN START an bonest and subetantia! AGENTS--New one- band speed dollar wrench; winner, Just machinists, out; W11- AuMail Order Business on the co-operative son plan with very little money, under our pro- tolste, bonanza at fairs; 100 everybody per cent. buys pront: at sight; make tected annual and subscriber restricted to The Mall Order News, 830 to $50 weekly, Toledo Speed Wrench system, It you are the Leadng Mall Trade Journel. Your choice Dept.

10, Toledo, 0. of dozen different staple lines, No stock AGENTS -Sell rich looking imported 38x68 to carry. Send 25c for 78-page sample copy rugs, $1 each; Carter, sold 115 and "get acquainted," or ask for descriptive days, proft $57; you can do same; write for circular of this remarkable magazine. This rample offer selling plan; exclusive tarrila an exceptional opportunity for bright men tory; sample rug parcel port, prepaid, 98c. and women gifted with business acumen.

Kondon, Stonington, requests propositions or wildcat schemes are from people seeking get-rich-quick WE start you in business, furnishing everysirable. MAIL ORDER NEWS CORPORA- thing; men and women $30 to $200 weekly TION, Newburgh, N. Y. operating our "now system specialty candy AGENTS to represent us in every locality over time; booklet free. Ragadale Bor 1, factories" anywhere; opportunity of outside of Chicago; with our line of East Orange, N.

J. 800 profitable dally household necessities with prices underselling local dealera, you FREE samples; men and women arenta; your own; yourself our liberal premium pian and Washing Tableta; wash clothes without rubestablish in a permanent business of double your money; Delbare's Naptha a the bigh on grads the tada; quality no of our experien goods and give bit Naptha Washing Tablet 114 do. Deafyou bing: send for sample and partculars. little, capital neressa and a we complete supply sample the born -at, Chicago, working principles ESTABLISH yourself in permanent, profitaoutat; your carnings are commensurate with ble business, selling our guaranteed hoyour ambition and hustle: a reasonable in- slery in home locality; experience unnecescome is certainty. For particulars write cary: men or women successful; full or part Royal Tea 2433 So, Park -AV, Chicago.

time. Rider Mtg. Dept. 18, Coshocton, BIG summer seller; make $6 to $12 a Ohio. day: you can do it.

"'My wife and I made MAKE 88 to $5 a day welling Perfect Noodle this week; writes F. I. Oxias, Tex. Cutters; James Nugent sold 89 dozen in Woods made $16 Arst day; Harris made $9 small Onio town, to still selling: also bandled one hour; others coining money; sell con- an side line; write for exclusive territory. centrated soft drink extracts: collelous Anchor Mfg.

56 Anchor Dayton, drinks for the home, picnics, parties, fairs. Ohto. ball games, just add water; 250 other guaranteed fast GET new one: Evane out -door reel complete: under U. S. pure food laws: thee: ati big repeat-! bolte, pulleys, hooks, beat ever; tone selling household fast; out- of money made selling this new device: buy ars; territory going The Amer- direct; sample $1: Information with sample ft furnished: sample case free.

Cincinnati, 0. order. Evans Mfg. 620 B. Dearborn, Chicago.

1can Products 2362 8d-at, a week for 2 hours work BEER in concentrated form; agents coining day; a brand new howlery proposition that money; whirlwind success; large profits; beats them all; write for terms and free make $800 monthly; big season 18 on; Innis samples if you mean business. Guaranteed sold Dickinson 500; Dennis made $800, add Hosiery 7310 Wayne Dayton, Ohio. still going; sell concentrated beer, Just water, makes genuine lager beer, at home in AGENTS--Salary or commission: and ink buys greatest on carry in pocket; supply enormous demand; eight; 200 to per cent. profit: one agent's few minutes; strictly legitimate; no license; seller yet; every user pen territory going fast; free sample offer; postal sales $820 1A 6 days; another $32 in 2 bours. for free booklet, "Secrete of Making Beer Monroe Mig, 131, La Croase, Win, at The Ambrew 2441 31-st, WONDERFUL kitchen invention; saves $30 Cincinnati, 0.

carly; demonstration creates sensation; ACTIVE, PERMANENT AGENTS (men and costa 10c, sella 500: eliminates 700,000 sold in Chicago; women) sell Moore Belt- Winding new sales plan canvassing. Triline and Reel: only perfected article of kind; umph Monon line keeps clean and dry; never molls clothes, take AGENTS- new necktie never gets tangled, easy to put up and tion; men wild about them; Thompson down, winds up automatically: used both in- made $42 frat week; attractive pocket samdoors and out; every good home male at pie free. Art Silk Neckwear 0810 you good make profit: good; general send today agency for agent's opportunity book, if White Layton, Ohio. of Sales and Flenty of you looking for the money MOORE DROP FORGING No. K-1201, 1 -ker? We havo IL: profite; sells Springfeld, Mase.

sight; everybody needs it; send for partieGENERAL agenta wanted for the wonderful ultra, I Dept. 1A. 14-x 200. UniLok-Pin pearl buttons; no more sewing; verity Place, Nebraska. no more button holes or hooks and eyes; in- LOCAL jobbing concern wants four live sales stantaneously attached or removed; sells on agents to do local work; strictly commiawight; possibilities unlimited; exclu.

territory; sion; good opening for live wires; must commiasion big; beautiful, shirtwalst set neat appearing, etc. Phone Main 2725 with full particulars mailed for 15 cents; arrange for interview, 1. money back it not satisfied. Address Lok- AGENTS -Large manufacturer wants Pin, 519 Byrne Los Angeles, Cal. Mable men, women, to sell guaranteed GREATEST stunt ever sprung on the Amer- hosiery, underwear, ahirts, direct to homes.

ican people; you give free gold monograin Free samples. Madison Mille, 588 Broadway, dinner set coupon with every sale of "Lucky New York, 'Leven" and our other sensational soap and TO a day easily made selling our toilet combinations: $5 to $10 dally easy; $5 mer $10 specialties; every day repeaters: sumcrew managers world's largest double trat; factory repeat backs orders particulars. Delta Mfg. 1580 Cin6 rite galore: for E. M.

Davis, Pres- you, cinnati, 0. appointment, ident, 587. Davis Chicago. $50 WEEKLY distributing needies; no selling; mail 10c for CASE 6 packages BRIGHT, and energetic hotels with representative to and call needles): write for particulars money-making on homes our new proposition, National Needle Dept. novel "Sav-ice' and other household utili- St.

Louls. ties, selling at sight for 25c: make steady customers who buy regularly; 20 calls every AGENTS who sell our abaolute household day should make $50 week proft; send at necessity have a permanent income; large ance for special 5-day 18, offer. The Home profits and good seller. Commercial Utilities Dept. 280 Pearl -st, Now portunities 2E, Permanent Title Fork.

Akron, 0. weekly; we manufacture the KOKO WHEAT CRISP; $20 daily proft; best needle case made; a wonderful seller; new confection, 5c paky conte lo; can to profit; talking unnecessary: samples 10c; particulars free; machine our "trust scheme" can make envelopes do the work; prepaid. Corneau Dept. 26, 551 Parkside, general "Liculars free; agents 25c sample for weekly; 10c; par- buy Chicago. direct from the factory.

Paty Needle AGENTS WANTED- To advertise our goods 60 Davis W. Somerville, Mase. by distributing free samples to consumer: PORTRAITS, photo pllow tops, photo plates, 00 cents an hour; write for full particulars. medallions, trames, sheet pictures, Jumi- Ohio. Favori Products, 0010 Wayne Dayton, nous crucifixes, war books, papier mache frames, "photo pennants," Billy Sunday AGENTS wanted for household specialty; books, very lowest prices; rejects cred- brand new: recently invented; every houseIted; prompt shipments; 30 days' credit; cat- wife will buy: send for proposition.

talog and samples free. James C. Bailey Chelmer 025 Jefferson-at, Buffalo, N. Dept. 18, Chicago.

MANUFACTURER of prepared foods wants MEN AND WOMEN AGENTS WANTED to men and women in every town to take orders for Oxygen household and toilet elther to stores or familles; profitable, goods, paying profit and more under magent. Factory, 1312 Sedgwick, Chicago, penny; sales partnership guaranteed; plan; big money easily a AGENTS make 500 per cent. profit selling new you don't risk made; fet exclusive territory now. Sam on novelty sight; sign 800 cards; varieties; merchants catalog buy free. 10 Katz Mfg.

Dept. 74, 1825 S. Michi- 100 Chicago. livan 1234 Van Buren-at, Chicago, AGENTS wanted to sell etaple article AGENTS wanted, every county, selling tall and fancy to re- new Improved vacuum cleaner; guaratneed dry American goods made articie to take goods place stores; of 10 exclusive territory. only foreign goods not obtainable; bright young sumera Mig.

345 S. Dearborn Chicago men and women can make good money; FLYCATCHERS, best sellers In market; samples free; to Address samples be, 6 25c, 100 get our Prostable, Box 8-V, Flatiron New log of novelties; postcarde 900 per 1,000 York. Munro's Pub. House, 24 Vandewater-st, N. REPRESENTATIVE wanted -Exclusive tor- WANTED Live agents, everywhere: ritory; new invention, guaranteed by thing entirely new; big profits; DO compereputable saving to gaso- thion; $10 A day or more.

New Economy line users or money refunded: automobile, Dept. 787 W. 61st-pl, Chicago, motorboat, stationary engine owners buy at fret offering; territory going quickly. Gas AGENTS Canvassers, profit Saver Sales 1790 Broadway, New York. Everready coffee strainer; something sella on sight; 10c; get full Information OLD substantial manufacturers of products Litterer Bros.

Mfg. 154 Whiting, Chicago in universal demand want men and women of honesty, ambition and energy to become ICE bills reduced "Kut-Chur Ice agents: spare time; Immediate Income and Klota; agents. regular Manufactured size 25c by Chapman postpaid; assured future; big profite, exclusive righte, to credit given. Culinary Utilities desk 456 Dwight Kansas City, No. 18-G.

111 Broadway, New York. profit; wonderful AGENTS -Don't waste your time with one article; sells like wildfire; can be Little article concerns; get in touch with In pocket; write at once for free sample. us; we manufacture 540 bigh-grade house- Mathews, 6610 Finch-av, Dayton, Ohio, hold necessities; big sample case and every- AGENTS everywhere, male or female, to thing complete for you to start, free: write troduce new high-grade household quick for particulars. American Mfg. sity into every home; bir L.

J. Dept. 263, Fremont, 0, delar, Dept. 7, Santa Fe, New Mexico, CAN you sell 8 dozen eggs for a quarter? OWN a business without Investment: Then you can sell our pure food product; sales bring repeat orders; our articles exclusive territory given reliable representa- without talk and mean success. tive; Instantaneous seller; repeat orders Dist.

6 Wabash-av, Chicago. enormous; proft; commiesions paid on direct store orders. Wocran 240 E. AGENTS -Investigate our new household 52d-st. New York.

specialty; rapid seller; great labor live agents make $8 daily, Mainhall LISTEN- Can you sell gasoline at 1 cent per 14 Northland-av, Buffalo, N. Y. gallon? If so, sell Gaso-Tonic: gives 40 per cent. more gasoline mileage; eliminates car- -Hurry, hurry; this article bon; auto owners grabbing for it; $10 day them all beat for the money; don't easy; Heisy made $25 Arst day; act quick, write for free particulars. Mathias man; details free.

White Mfg. Dept. 44, 508 Goodyear Buttalo, Y. Cincinnati, 0. $120 MONTILLY for special advertising AGENTS--Large manufacturer of aluminum work; permanent, pleasant, high -class cooking utendla and household specialties ployment; experience not necessary.

has good proposition for a limited number of burn Factory Springneid, Ill. wise, game; must experienced atate agents experience to understand receive the AGENTS 600 per who ticulars. Aluminum Factories par- La gold sign letters for stores and office cent. proft; free Grange, MI. dows; 437 N.

anyone can Clark-st, put on. Chicago. Metallic that AGENTS- sells half a pass dozen this! to a New house on curtain rod AGENTS- -New game for cigar stores; sight: sellers; big repeater; particulars 10 atty that absolutely costs new you only patented 3c and household sells for neces- 10c, United Sales 205 Walnut three for 25c. in nearly every home; sample delphia, Pa. free.

Reed Mic. 14 Roy-st, Providence, FIRST 25c soap, tollet combinations, R. I. offered for special Inducements AGENTS- A one-cent postcard will put you New agents. York, United Worka, 98 ParkSoap in touch with an $50 a week proposition.

selling Aluminum Utensils and Specialties AGENTS--Big profts; doorplates, direct to the consumer: don't let one cent signs; samples free. Brett stand between you and prosperity. Div. 4023. Mags, American Aluminum Mig.

Lemont, Ill. words in 100 monthlies, MEXICAN diamonds exactly resemble gen- sample mag. free. Cope Axency, St. ulne: same rainbow fire: stand tests; sell weekly and up; write agents quick wanted; for cample pronts $50 FEMALE.

at aight; live Care offer free. Mexicaa Diamond Importing Box Las Cruces, M. APPRENTICE, WITH LITTLE IENCE SEWING. 1316 E. 68TH-ST.

might in every home, store, new: offce and sells cafe; On ASSIBTANT in ACTIVE agents; something office; young sanitary cork for milk, liquor, cataup, Apply Monday bet. 11-12. 710 Rose opens and closes in bottle; last a lifetime: BILLING clerk wanted by department big proft. Sanitary Cork suite 2167 220 knowledge of bookkeeping: mate Finb-av, New York City. and salary.

Address Box 1024-T, LADI and gentlemen agents; new house- Dealer. hold article, used in every home; BINDERY girl with experience as prodt; territory; free sample. Ed on Chandler Price. American Parker Spring E. 40th-st and Kelley, FEMALE, BODY troners, experienced on machines, for.

white duck costa. 2139 E. 18tb-st. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; must only be one competent thoroughly and have experienced and with good ability, personality need apply; state age, Box salary 910-T, and full particulars in Drat letter, Plain Dealer, BOOKKEEPER -One with stenographic. expleasant perience surroundings: preferred; salary Lo start not permanent postion; ment: exceed give $50 per month; ref.

and orp. phone In own for advancehandwriting. 8-V, Plain Dealer. with BOOKKEEPER come AIdictation and stenography: state age, OWn perience and salary expected. Apply handwriting, box 1-AA, Plain Dealer, BOOKKEEPER wanted by department penman store, for ledger work; must be good and accurate; ledger experience essential; state pected.

previous Address Box employment 1313-T, Plain Dealer. and salary BOOKKEEPER- Capable of taking charro Willoughby, of set of one living near 0., preferred; state experience and salary. Box 921-8, Plain Dealer. BUTLER and Cook -Man and wife: no children; no washing; must have city references; family of seven. Eddy 872 R.

BUTTON sewers: on cloaks; experienced. The Schram-Forech 809 Lakeside N. W. bottle; a necessity in every home: can't Have aluminum hot. water leak, can't rust; good money for you, Call mornings.

A. Ramm, 202 Amer, Trust bidg. CHORUS GIRLS wanted at once; experience unnecessary, Al Flatico, 1841 Euclid, cOoK, and second maid; competent; Engliwh speaking: must be experienced, and have beat city reference; good wages; DO washing. Box 413-R, Main Dealer, DEMONSTRATORS-3 neat be appearing hustlers; ladies to for town; must leave the 15th; trav, 630 Schofeld Didg. DEMONSTRATOR call Sunday appearing: afternoon $1.50 and per day evening.

to Mina start; Markey, 300 Euclid Hotel. FINISHERS Experienced on radios' coats and suits. A few more good positions are opon. Apply Monday and Tuesday morning between 8 and 9 m. THE PRINT? CO.

1213 West 6th St: Lunch, Rockefeller bldg. SALESLADIES wanted, experienced, for cloak department; permanent position and highest of salaies paid. THE HIRSCH 430 Euclid. -Exp. in domestic and wash goods.

Apply office May Co. SALESWOMEN To sell lots. We own 14 allotments tocated in various sections of Cleveland and suburba: large plots on easy terms at low prices make this an attractive service propoaltion; furcarfare expense allowed; auto nished. This is your opportunity. Investigate Monday, 9 5.

THE S. HI. KLEINMAN REALTY CO. Third Floor, Garfield Bldr. HOUSEWORK Maid for general housework; must be Food cook and have excellent Rosalind av, references; East Cleveland.

family of two. Apply 28 HOUSEWORK- for general: or German Iron- or Ing. Phone Marlo 1752 West Park, Loa American; reference; no washing rain av. HOUREWORK-Experienced help for reneral and care of children; no cooking; references. Call 10830 Tacoma-av.

HOUSEWORK- GIrl for general; fair cook and willing; good home: pleasant ourroundings. Call Marlo 1060 W. one who is willing: fair salary. Apply HOUSEWORK--Competent girl for general: 2740 Euclid, Sunday m. HOUSEWORK -Girl for general; no 4.

laundry 10810 work: Inquire between 10 and Clifton boulevard. HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for Keneral; references. 2812 8t. James parkway. Garfield 6130 J.

HOUSEWORK -Good girl for general; W. 2004 erences required. Garfield 6411 Edgehill-rd. HOUSEWORK -Experienced girl to Wilbur, asslat Garf. in general; no washing.

10800 1870 M. HOUSEWORK- -Girl for general; family of nice home to right party. 1331 W. Diet. HOUSEWORK- Maid for general; small family; must speak English, Mario 461 J.

Gin for general; no laundry work; good, plain cook; ref. Garl. 725. HOUSEWORK -GIrl for general, 8160 one J. In family.

3041 Fairfax-rd. Garf, HOUSEWORK- Girl for general: good home and good wages. 802 Literary-rd. girl for renoral, house. 687 E.

118th. HOUSEWORK- Girl for general. Gardeld 8688 M. LAUNDRESS for Tues. and good ironer.

Pros. 2354. MARCEL waver- One experienced In Apply. all other branches of the business. Mme.

Peal Sun 80 Taylor Arcade, NURSEMAID for family with 8 small children; must be experienced and have best city reference. Box 1100-R, Plain Dealer, NURSE girl, experienced, white. assist 6946 J. 24 work. Call Bunday after 6, Gardeld NURSE girl, good, strong; must be tall.

Wood 571 K. while NURSING learning. course; Gar. exp. 8615 Prin.

1989 L. 2236 E. 105th. OPERATORS Experienced on waists or skirts; good pay, steady work year around. Walter take A.

Payne- GoldAV car to E. 35th, walk one block smith, Perking and E. 85th; south. PARTNER In real estate wanted; A lady with expertence. Box 821-T, Plain Dealer.

PASTRY cook who can make Colonnade homelike Noonday plea; light. airy kitchen. SALESWOMEN OPPENHEIM. COLLINS 1020 EUCLID-AV, require several high-class experienced salemwomen for their departments of suite, and gowns and waists: permanent positions good salaries to those of high-class experience. SEAMSTRESS Good hand sower and Anisher.

Rosedale 1607 W. 7040 Lexington. SECOND FLOOR work--Reliable woman; and assist taking care 2 children; references required. Garfield 4440 J. SECOND GIRL- An experienced Lake-av, Protestant, Clifton with references.



THE ARTHUR M. GORDON Illuminating Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS wanted by government: $65 month. Cleveland examinations Oct. Sample questions free.

Franklin Institute, Dept. 605-F, Rochester, N. Y. STENOGRAPHER -Permanent position for educated, ambitious young lady: state age, experience, references and salary expected. Box 401-V, Plain Dealer.

STENOGRAPHER- Competent to handle collection office; wages $7.00 to start. Call Sunday only 12 to 2. 801 American Trust bidg. age, experience, salary expected and references; Oliver operator preferred. Box $22-V, Plain Dealer, STENOGRAPHER-Sone experience.

Call Monday morning from 8 until 9 a. or write Bert Marshall, 220 Superior bldg. STUDENTS -Special rates for month of July; manicuring, and scalp treatment: shampoo, singeing, clipping: French marcol and water wave; alt bair work, weaving. private lessons, day and evening classes. Madam Flora Immel of New York city, with Ida M.

Logan, 2 and 4 New Euclid Arcades FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER- bave year or two experience and cot work out rapidly; state! salary, Box 405-T, Piain Dealer. TELEPHONE operator wholesale house, both boards; $25 first month. If satisfactory, advance and steady work: References required. Box 501-T, Plain TELEPHONE operator; experienced; for substitute work.

Apply The Joseph Laronge 213 Williamson TOQUE Anishers: experienced. Keetch Knitting Mills, 770 Central-av. TYPIST -Experienced, good speller, E. E. location.

Box 518-T. Plain Dealer. WAITRESSES, noon hours, private club; experienced only. Box 812-R, Plain Dealer. WATER girl for lunch club, 16 years; neat end active.

7th door, Chamber of Commerce IN CANTON, a middle aged woman as housekeeper, must be able to take entire charge; give full particulars concerning age and references required; good home to right party. B. P. 0. box 891, Cleveland.

OPPORTUNITY for young lady, private secretary to bank executive: one having fair knowledge of the practical work in. bank; answer by letter, giving experience, references and salary expected. Box 801-T. Plain Dealer, INTELLIGENT, neat appearing, refined young ladles; local or to trayel; under supervision of lady manager. Abply Monday between 9 and 10 a.

m. only, 502 Euclid Arcade Bldg. WHOLESALE house desirea a woman over 25, who de trustworthy and Intelligent; no stenography or bookkeeping: splendid opportunity for right woman. Box 515-R, Plain Dealer. TEN WAITRESSES, AT ONCE.


GOOD home given respectable, healthy derly woman, for assisting at housework: family of two In country town; particulars fully. Box West Clarkaleld, O. WRITE for newspapers, periodicals, good pay: experience for unnecessary; details, we Southern show you Press Syndicate, 827 Warder how; mend stamp GIRLS wanted for winding dept. Keetch Knitting Mills, 710 Central-av. EXPERIENCED GIRL for cooking and downstaire work.

Gart. 1850. "ONTO operating STATE department TEL. of CO. the offers exceptional opportunities to bright young women, 18 yre.

healthful or over; work; permanent pleasant positiona; clean, surroundinga; many who opportunities apply for themselves: advancement to those salary paid while in training nearest school; their homes: ates assigned to offices references required. Apply in person, room 800 ELECTRIC BLDG. Prospect-av, opp. Taylor: Arcade. LADIES of good education; liberal remuneration and lent opportunities to those who can qualify.

Apply between hours of 9 to 12 Monday morning, 400 Erie bldg. TWO NEEDLE OPERATORS FOR SINGER AND UNION SPECIAL MACHINES Good pay, steady work year around. E. Walter A. Goldsmith, Perkins-av and 85th.

Take Payne. car to 85th; walk one block south. MAY CO. has position open for saleswomen thoroughly experienced in chinaware. Apply Superintendent's office.

GIRL, EXPERIENCED, FOR BUTTON HOLE TACKING. COLIN-GOODMAN 1140 W. 6TH-ST. A LADIES -Make shields at home, $10 per 100; no canvassing required; send stampedaddressed envelope for particulars. Eureka dept.

Kalamazoo, Mich. GIRL--To take charge of children, and some general work; must have fair education and references; good salary; call mornings, 0006 Lamont. 2000 J. LADY, white, to take complete charge be of rooming house on East Side: must: American; please encloso stamp for answer. Box 224-S, Plain Dealer.

WOMAN- Reliable, care for girl (19 months) daya; mother employed; vicinity Ansel-rd, St. Clair and E. 70th. Eddy 799 Mrs. 937 YOUNG widow or married woman for dignifled, profitable employment; possibilities of $35 to $40 weekly.

Apply 503 C. A. opposite Hotel Statier. LADIES--Make money during spare time; clean pleasant work: particulars free, Notine M. Hamilton 100 Cathedral way, New York.

GIRLS over 18 to learn cigar making: steady work and rapid advancement; paid while learning. American Cigar Woodland and E. 9th. RELIABLE, energetic women income. for man- Baragerial poaltions; splendid cley Corset Shop, 7030 Hough-av.

Rose 2052. HIGH school scholar to assist with light housework 2 or 8 days during week during vacation, Call Monday, 1429 W. 81st. STRONG girl to wash dishes and help with housework; good wages. Bire.

Allen, Euclid Village, stop 10. C. P. E. GIRL that speaks good German, to take care of 2-year-old child; must have experience: good wages.

3038 Euclid. ELDERLY LADY will give a good home and education to girl of 12. Address Box 104-S, Plain Dealer, GIRL to do light housework in return room and board. 1476 E. 111th.

Garfleld 1340 W. MFGS. require special rep. everywhere, married women pref, Box 1213-T, Plain Dealer, GIRLS to watch circular knitting petticoat machines. Standard Knitting 2202 perior, WANTED- Woman to do man's washing atid mending, Write 1624 Superior N.

E. WOMAN wanted at once for general; must be good cook. 13034 Euclid. Gart. 4586 WANTED- Experienced residence laundress; must be capable and reliable, Mario 188 LADIES to take orders house to houso; ary or com.

2434 Superior-av N. W. PRACTICAL bookkeeping taught privately evenings, in 20 lessons, Garf. 1513 J. LADY to sell real estate: part time; proposition.

Box 807-T, Plain Dealer. WHITE girl for general no washing; good wages, 14277 Euclid-av, WANTED -Demonstrators for high grade corsets, Call 1300. E. 115th-st. MIDDLE aged lady to take care of A 5 years old.

Call Cent. 208 L. GIRLS -Experienced: for fine white work. Apron Shop, 4400 Ducild-av. GIRL to clerk in bakery; must have reference, 8414 Hough-av.

LADIES to sell Harrison's Pure Beverage Powders for naking orangeade and onade; eney sellers: good profit; sample package and terme to agents, 15c. Harrison Poughkeepsle, N. WANTED--Several ladies to prepare Cleveland fall postoffice clerk examination; sAlaries; I conducted government aminations; trial examination free. Write OZMENT. 52L, St.

Louis. weekly easy. simple work, canvassing; evenings at home; fascinating; everything furnished. no experience; worry about capital. Boyd C.

Brown, 226. Omaha, Neb. LADIES or gentlemen can translations in Spanish, French, German, or sons in classes or indiridually, at small sand address for interview. Mackert, bide MEN and women to learn designing, ting. grading, fitting dresses, suits; 10 sons for day and eve.

classes. Cleveland School of Ladies' Talloring, 323 Euclid-av. WRITE moving picture plays; $30 each; vote all or spare thine: no correspondence course; start work at once: details Atlas Pub. 65 Cincinnati. 0.

FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel. onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 week: rallroad fare pald. Goodrich Dept. 1491, Omaha, Neb. WRITE motion picture plays; $50 each; perience unnecessary: details sent free beginners, Producers League, 202 wright, St.

Louis. WANTED -Persons to color art pictures home; easy free. work; no experience: pay; sample Gleason Wheeler, Madison, Chicago, ACTING, taught by vaudeville, Hoffman sir.ging, elocution. or day, evening. School, 942 Prospect; of ACTS lessons, written.

12 catalor. violin, mandolin, Flatico, 1541 ACTS written, 12 violin, mandolta, lessons, catalog. Flatipo, 1841 PIANO lessons Rosedale 50c. 2411 R. 3: DAYS THE where BOYD successes 30-DAY are made.

BUSINESS Have you missed SCHOOL an opportunity? Good salaries are ability as willingly paid to men and women A course here with nographers and bookkeepers. will BOYD prepare you SHORTHAND in 80 is days. different and hetter than any other 1A not system; a point where It from the frat does tour's not work, bring there to the student the maximuro of effort; it 18 of result for the minimum- Accuracy and -eminent In Simplicity, Expert Readability. individual Instruction both day and Shorthand, secured. Bookevening in keeping 8TH and FLOOR COLUMBIA BLDG.

Accountancy. Positions E. 2d and Prospect Ave. FREE! Te will Rive a BEAUTIFLL rebullt TYPEWRITER ($100,00 model) to ALL 3-DAY studenta enrolling THIS WEEK In our SHORTHAND also DICTAPHONES. instructions on TYPEWRITERS, etc, QUICKEST.

CHEAPEST. BEAT. weekly payments accepted. We only the salary accept positions for our studenta where pald de from nine to Afteen dollars weekly. and Friday Classes Dally evenings.

and Open all summer. SIMMonday, Wednesday PLIFIED SYSTEM, 7th Floor Sincere 4th and Proepect. EARN $18 TO $30 A WEEK, STUDY BEAUTY CULTURE, the Ideal business, easy I best methods in PARISIAN OIL MANICURING, OIL SHAMPOOING, SKIN TREATING, FANCY HAIR DRESSING, etc. My diploma passport to success. SPECIAL COURSES $10 to $25.

Positions walting. MARGUERITE BEAUTY CULTURE, 411 C. A. C. Opp.

Hotel Statler. LADY AGENTS--Our brand-new pure alumInam dink strainer in causing a commotion among our agents; 3 agents mold 850 in one day; low price sells them; every woman will buy; outlasts 20 tin ones; $10 A day easy; be first in your territory; write quick for sample and large catalogue. American Aluminum Mtg. DIv. 105 Lemont, Ill.

OUR operators training school has been reopened and a limited number of desirable Instrucyoung women will be accepted for tion; a salary is paid from beginning of the fratruction course; positiona are permanent. The Cleveland Telephone W. 8d and Champlain. Operators' school, room 411. HIGH school graduates to begin business courses next opening date; excellent posttons for you soon as trained; business is demanding young people with your education; special private secretary courses for high school graduates; catalogue.

Spencerian Commercial School, Euclid-av and E. 18th. COPY letters: persons who devote two hours daily can make $10 to $25 weekly copying letters at home from our samples; ink or typewriter: stamped envelope brings particuJars. Mutual Copying 1489 W. 12tb-at, Chicago.

GUARANTEED salary paid any woman distribute bostery to experience unnecessary; all or part time: for particulars and complete outfit address International Mills, Dept. 1, Norristown, Pa. BOYD bookkeeping in 20 IN lessons: 80. day DAYS; and evening: positions secured. COLUMBIA BUILDING, opposite May's on Prospect.

and women to learn designing, cutting, grading, Atting dresses, suits; 10 lessons for day and eve. classes. Cleveland School of Ladies' Talloring. 823 Euclid-ar, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, OFFICE WOMEN If you are seeking a good position list your application with our exchange as we are having numerous calls for expertenced help dally, BOOKKEEPER AND CHIEF CLERK, Pittsburg, $100 DICTAPHONE ATOR AND $60 DICTAPHONE OPERATORS, machine, $85 and $45 STENOGRAPHERS, $45, $50 and $60 Also substituting positions. STENO.

AND $50 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, $45 mo. INTERSTATE EXCHANGE 512 Citizens bldg. OFFICE WOMEN. We invite capable office women to apwith us. 7 plication.


and office clerk, $45. COMPTOMETER CLERK, good at Agures, $45, CASINER and ASS'T BK.PR., $85, ASS'T $9 wk. No advance fees. THE BLUIM-INGALLS CO. 001-2 New Eng.

Bldg, LAUNDRESSES and cleaners, hotel restaurant help, housemalds. Walsh, Superior N. W. or LAUNDRESSES, cleaning women, $1.00 day. STAR EMPLOYMENT W.

Superior, LAUNDRESSES, cleaners, hotel, work. Acme, 308 W. Superior. SITUATIONS WANTED. 11.

inneces- Sin- Aret sell Justina saver: has wait; Jauch, Ray- samples; winLetter easy free. Phila- ever to -pi, numbars, Boston, 81: Louis. EXPER- lady. bidg. store: experience Pisio feeder Multi- 1 MALE.

ACCOUNTANT, auditor, wants change; training and experience enables me to guard my. employers' Interests and them money. y. Box 107-V, Plain Dealer. ACCOUNTANT--WIll audit, open, close keep books by contract.

Edgewater 1847. ate Box 517-V, Plain Dealer. ACCOUNTANT--Books A written up at moderAGENCY wanted for Chicago and vicinity by experienced salesman, Al references. Albert Marx, 4201 1 Langley-av, Chicago, ASST. PUR.

AGENT Man to follow up orders and act as chaser; must be live wire and aggressive; mostly outside work; mechanic proferred; $75 per month. Box 1823-V. Plain Dealer. AUDITOR desiree change; young yeara' accounting experience in financial for and manufacturing lines; at present ctated with firm of public accountants; consider position as audisor, treasurer or countant: would not object to position small corporation it progressive. Box 1319-S, Plain Dealer.

rienced and thoroughly competent, desires STENOGRAPHER Su- position: can furnish best of references testing capability and trustworthiness. 1017-S. Plain BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, oughly experienced, dealres permanent altion; fret class reference. Box W. Plain Dealer.

BOOKKEEPER, employed at present, desires W. to Dealer. change; experience. 421-T, Box salBOOKKEEPER-Competent and reliable. Box 019-T, Plain Dealer.

BLDG. superintendent and arch't. man, open for position; have had Ano experience In both will accept tion out of city. Box 013-T, Plain Dealer, BUTLER, VALET OR COOK -Japanese with long experience; Arst class city erence; want position in private family, or country. Box 222-S, Plain Dealer.

boy position city or country. Garfield BUTLER- English, 1st class man, CARPENTER- -Foreman, experienced branches Including reinforced crete; capable open position. Rosedale 4587 J. CARPENTER work, contract or day. Meissner, 1399 E.

45th-st. Rose. 4268 lem- CARPENTER for factory or block: aged man. Box 500-S, Piain Dealer. CHAUFFEUR- -White, single, Arst-class careful best all for man; take care place for priv.

steady pos. Box 506-M, Plain Dealer. ex- -Experienced, wants in or out of town; good fine knowledge of care of lawns, married, Dealer, references. no Apply Box 710-T, Plain don't position family; 5 years CHAUFFEUR-Waite. single, desires Dept.

perience and can furnish best of references. Box 1011-8, Plain Dealer. CHAUFFEUR- -White. American. married; les- grad.

American Auto studied cost; Auto Instructor. etc. Box 212-5, 91 Dealer. CHAUFFEUR- Wish to drive to California cut- 48 chauffeur, young single man with les- years experience in autos. Box 316-T.

Dealer. de- single; wishes on private CHAUFFEUR--Gardener, sober and moderate wages. Box 1210-V. Plain free. CHAUFFEUR -Colored: good repair.

reliable driver: references; Rosedale 6 years' 1942 dem- ence in private family. per CHAUFFEUR- Colored; good repairman: Drug rellable; driver; good ences. J. Hodge, Cent. 3386 K.

ex- CHAUFFEUR with best to. and absolutely reliable, wishes Box 702-T, Plain Dealer, CHAUFFEUR- Careful driver, Roughton, best city at 1653 E. good 1688 1. 337 CHAUFFEUR and cook, colored, young couple: excellent refs, Pros. CHAUFFEUR Box -Swedish, 1013-T.

aged Plain 22; will Dealer. around place. plane CHAUFFEUR- or -White: truck. CAn 1796 E. drive 85th-st.

any Eu. private CHAUFFEUR and married. 4138 houseman, Lorain-av. or piano Euclid. CLERK or macager.

for hotel, experienced beat reference. Address box arid Ohio. 3 i..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.