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- The El Paso Journali
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Journal El Paso Illinois 3ijao aar sat i it AMONG EXCHANGES DUNN The annual campineetiug at Euie opens Aug 9 and continues ten davs all Paper Paints Oils and arnishes HELP YOURSEL Call In and see onr line of To the Bargains at TlMtW UU lv ww "V'j are for womanhood first and anything i Tlie marriage of Edwin Younger afterwards Woman will brighten every the Chicago Herald and Miss ir'j andh nmnnanti inen Louisa Ruhaak occurred in Peoria last pl24aertaUkW to week Brooai 1 lu Wm11 McKIXNEY CO HALMS It And get your pick ishburn 6O0KSTOVES flanges I Styles OOT RjSTS I GASOLINE STOVES AptiJJ and original New Process coal mesuure a OU 'MOTTOS nt tlw raided itiey claim Our line of week 'The groom jvas raised iu Wash 'c Mrs Ell UmV Tfo rr When lit need of anything lit the above lint you are respectfully inviieu to can at me nirnitnre naraia im Itkmb Gsthbbbb raoa NataiptoaiNO Mawaraaaaa will bdre for water to sup ply the city h's la away trouble tons tan Stationery School Supplies Etc AUODBAUERIN iwn by the ex lage of friends to the dead Over iwed me cemetery ves aamugtoti Roanoke Hudson AU i ih mmkuMc suuw Uw auanl tMth a wtdaky Th 'unclediiluul pu by haiyiMcn Ttbet TatthMr4n nd Mb ktU nwHv irok Kim Wixxaxd bbtubmb hoxb a vast assembly of loving friends and receiving numberiess tele grams from all parts of thA United States Miss rances Willard LL stood to receive congratulations on her return to America and health After a verse of Sweet arose and although tender thoughts which had been occupying her mind bad broken into spontaneous said 1 fee! as though you had rocked me in the cradle As you sing Sweet I seem to look up into my dear face and hear her sing it to a nervous little girl gone brother and sister have pussed away 4 am the last one left I but I am not lonely for these are my folks this Is my borne and the world grows brighter kinder better through love i But this loving greeting Is not a per sonal tribute 1 am but the buov kepi up by the ever heaving sea The wind mill showing the coarse of the wind the sea aud wind are the noble seif sacrificing rank and file of the White Ribbon Army We personify great re forms disembodied movements are disembodied principles Wel women are Christians first and white ribboners next Christ for the world and the world for Christ We Saturday July 1 4 dWKaauedy'was born in Palestine township and haafnany friends In this or live veers sbe has' been teacfiliig tn' the monk public schools MivKeunedy Is filling very yreptably liis Kcond term as plate's attotnqr tf tills county lie has a fucratlveprac Hoe aiid Is an admirable gentleman Congralulations Tyid" gooil wishes afe DENTAL ROOMS i ik 1 nUL wr bi Hitiling Light Single and Double HABNESB toucan save money by calling ou me IlALKJPlMiWV UmUVm Ulatikels robes eombe brushes spurs KnKvs wklpers Uwsweights ankle boats ete West ront St El Past 111 4 The brick work is completed on the new ladies boarding hall at Eure kacollege Tim A pebpla of Pontiac and vicinity are enjoying their annual campmeeting our Watseka farmers recently paid ten dollars each for violating the fish laws of the state )C Mr Blaisdell'who'had been 'In the grain business in Weston since73 died last riday of heart failure Avery of Pontiac ex census taker of this district was se verely injured in a runaway this week 1 Wm Stone a saloon keeper of Ot tawa was killed at Washburn a few days ago bv falling off of a moving train Lester Sililman had ins hand se riously burned by Uie explosion of a giant firecracker July 4 and Is laid up iu consequence two tramps were arrested In one day In Bloomington this week by 3 deputy marshals They were all i released on promise to leave tne city at i once The skins of fruit should never be eaten not because they are not pal atable or digestible or are unhealthy in themselves but on account of the danger arising from microbes which havepenetrated into the covering of the fruit Everybody has noticed that at timee a alight scratch will create a considerable sore on the human body It is generally ascribed to an unhealthy condition of the blood but a dose microscopical ex amination will show that it is due to the pfesonce of microbes thus intro duced into the system So with an apple a peach a pear or a grape 'Die fruit may bo perfectly sound and healthy but on the skin or covering may be microbes which introduced into the human eye tern will breed disease These germa are not" un common neither are they always present It is possible to eat this covering without injury but the danger is such that it is best not to incur the St Ldhia Poet Dis patch ter every place and men will ssv anA just Oliver used to saywhenhe wanted me to go with him hunting not? Ob 1 suppose I must if you but a brotherly Come on sister? Illinois has a great spriteu people and with this nation of ours Is learning more of the gqgpel of Christ Let us apply tbat'goepeHto law to government to politics to labor to cause to temperance and we will have a paradise ot His own plant ing At the fair as Yankee Doodle rang out Yankees would Join in the tune and when Bule Britan was played our British 'cousins would chant the lay But suddenly all ttie bands began Nearer My God to Thee aud the different voices and widely suudered nations merged into the prayer of humanity Nearer My God to This is what the waut said in pure better mannerafbiglter lives holler govern ment Iu loving each other we learn 1 to love Christ more and in ihs love we can walk to bring our my deer country and the whole world Nearer My GikI to Thee hearer to TbeeAU 4 Mb wnx botM Mouday forenoon at TAI) at home Just west of Shiloh church nola township Will Both pa after a loug illness from lun or two years be has beeu a sufferer but moat ot that time has been up and around yet gradually growing weaker from the ravages of disease His last illness was not In any way severe but he passed away very peace fully having been bedridden but a few days He was aide to be iu this city as recently as Independence Day The funeral services were lell nt Shiloh church at 9:30 Wednesday and were conducted by Bev Schantz Hudson and Staley of lanagan both of the Ornish church assisted by Rev Pinkney of Shiloh church The remains were laid to rest in the Baugh man cemetery in the family burying ground Deceased was the third son of Mr and Mrs Peter Roth of Panola town ship and had spent the greater part his life in: the locality where death overtook 'him He was born Jan 21 1865 fie leaves a wife and one cliikT the latter a girl of about 2 years of age Is the most complete we have ever beffn able to oflef Our 38c China silk for waists goes for 23c A11 our 65c 75c and 85c silk for waists goes for 49c Our 75c Duck waists go for 45c Our 15c printed Dimities go for "Our 30c wool chailies go for 20c 's AMUUUm He was little and his clothee were not very fine but he was proud1 enough for a six foot dude As he waited for a lazy Italian to sell him an orange a well dressed young wom an stepped up to the roaster at his el bow me 10 cents worth of pea she said with careless indiffer ence 1 The little man reddened but an swered quickly you sure you can aff onl the outlay 7 Then the woman saw she talking to the proprietor of the stand and the Italian New York Sun BwnnnlcWU seem to be fond of We always go tooths races no doubt that a nico ftd low Out he stutters so why Hike him When he gives pie a tip op none hq gets ex cited and the race over before he can get half way Wash ington Star I wrehjiiie itfi'ttiihsmsniii lafoQnsttoaWsBMl j' Traveler ifrom la thia here the bureaii of information Railroad It is Well about six hours agoa feller took my watch an satchel around the corner to git my name en graved uu so they git lost an 1 wan ter know ifthp en gravers of this ere town ul out Commencing Them We will make it to your interest to dofao Everything ftrst eisM a tteisdapartiuaot wgatfewatw iiw i i MhO a (Num swor to A Hubbell 1 Horse Millinery Store LATH SHINGLES LIMt Ain AND CEMENT'I the oldest settler Ln this city She afterwards married John Eggman who died some two years ago Mr Stout Is well known as a resident of Deer Creek for mauy years but recently made his home with bls daughter Mrs Ed Simpson of this ifcuAiHg ton A tics TtsU 7r'riie lfe tbe Eurekan is about as follows: The first of every year brings In new students and there is business until the great event of the year com mencement week After that tliere la a breathing spell until the ourth After that there is a general quiet time and quiet preparations are made for the state encampment of the Christian church which Is directly fol lowed by Ute campmeeting After cainpmeetiitg lively preparations are being made for the opening ot the fall term of college Tins term occupies the time until the holidays Thus we are varying but never jEweita oumaL A Kbmmbdy habt The attorney Of Woodford county hast an ex plosive social bomb into the camp of his friends in this oorner ot the county Thursday morning by getting married friends had supposed until recently that he was wedded to bachelorhood "Thursday at fOiMaTtinome of Mis Hart in Bloomington her daughter Clara and Mr Tlios Kennedy of Mi nonk were married by Rev Miller of Grace 'M church Bloomington Afters wedding breakfast they started for a trip through the northern lakes They will be at home in Miuonk after binowgrapnic Tour Wm Zinkan El PasoHHnoisLeader inurniture OC al! daKriptiMUi and laleuglylec AUa a larft aMHtBtQJtruaka Q0Odtdlirere4irt a naichboriM lowu Stock Woodford county worthinaion One Door West of bursters El Paso Ill Tfre jgradrtatiw! Carthage Il I Ji I gh sclHJoithis were boys A rare cccurreuce when girls to have monopoly pa educational ad vantages Davis igent for the at Washington was married last week to Miss Jane Kirk of that city Mr Davis has been agent at Washing ton twenty years 7 rank SchertAof Lilly XU was k'cked by a horse we mornliig of Julv 4 ami died the aamtrevenlng This Is tiie second son MV and Mrs Schertz have lost by beiujfkicked by horses A boys of Blooraing lo gave Lexington people a sample of a young Sunday A hack load of them with an orchestra went up tliere mid held serv'ces in all the churches Superstilhihs people hnve found outlined inoak leaves thia season TIHs menus warj the om Indus stands for blood Johnny had better get his gun brighten up his dagger pnd look up his uriny accoutrements of rank little girls met with I sad accident on last Tuesday evening She was playing on the step when she made a misstep and fi ll and broke tier arm above the wrist Site is getting along all lana ganTiinu Walt a boy 13 yearaold was pushed off the platform iu front a moving train at the station at Potts town near Peoria by a drunken fiend The feet and legs were badly mashed and one foot will have to be amputated The Urniitine Sisters who liavehad charge of the St Marys school atlMet amorn for the past sixteen yeartjlefL last Tuesday for new fields of laboi Their faithfulness to duty and gentle kindly treatment of ali'made them many friends Tlie directors of the Mackinaw fair Vmve decided to continue their fair eoiiditionally The Indebtedness rftftpIrMi ilQiil rnf' tv 900 nrovldina the neonle $1000 and 1 lieu a perfect will be made ami the fair LiHle Uros 01 1 ll mw rami' in uwwcii rniueu Home weeks ago have filey nalm with the county for uamavM $19138 and the county will according to the law 011 that point be compelled to pay three fourths of that amount Indiana farmer tells of the killing of caterpillars on a wild cherry tree by boring a hole I tithe tree in serting a stick of brimstone and piug fingtiie iKile with day In three hours tlie worms negan so urop irom tne free and hII were destroyed Atnle trees were treated the same way with satisfactory results load of hay which 8am Moser was liatdhig from home east of tows sllped off when near Jacob Monday morn Ing throwing Mr Moser to he ground He was severe I cut stout the head and face and otherwise injured imt not The team took fright and rah away At tto Amisbjdmrcii tbev ran into a gate and sin islied Gridley Advance at Sand Hllllhrep miles north of Pekin a farmer returned frou church to find a tramp d': tb cellar The former picked mp a moi gun and tired both itods at thdVsg tondjiwliiie tto latter stood his ground a fid emptied a revoiver tn Hus dlrectfcrf of timrtjwnerxd the premines' The tramp liHStiot been foundaitliOugh it is toiieviW that one of the shot gun i jdii Ifciyd broke tlm record of this Illtfl WIIH WlfHIl ort lafai SwilUwssbOf bv Juho Neuwaiika anti I bualrelst Iiiiimwoax and rorenoopsBWtoiiX itnevuna Couslatiug of Albums Dressing Cases Toilet Hets Odor Cases Sets tiruah and 41 Comb Sets Elenntlv bound books hv all th imt Mothoni Dolls Toys for tlje Little Ones Etc DUNN The Old Reliable EL PASO ANCY goods We have Bargains Bargains I 1 5 In 'every department' Come andgt a some of them ufr We have wagous sleds buggies rocktnmt URiM miBink usmtr feme and See tlw is I1 kpdfcWMtern Railway jtonpeuy jriii sHtMcnrslai tarn atsteadiTMMswniM'g'aid0nr and Agent Wtbrue rbeeui ft felBft bialns cornoito aljjtif In eruptions and posdUvelyrerftupiiajOlri no" pkrre igarenejttogira ton or money refunded and Books iS We have Just semi annual invoice and find doo many goods fff' some lines which we orooose to let out at way down figuresjf yQiLwantlhGmc 'zteJrlv with 1 rtcrr THE CASH EL PASO ILLINOIS UNDERTAKING New designs in Cloth Covered and Oak Caskets Also vtrious other styles Gents and Ladies Suits and Shrouds Embalming giveii careful attention ine New uneral Car The Climax Constitute a line which for durabik Grand Central and ity perfect operation and finish can Riverside Ranges goods can be bought anywhere in the state Mie by in front of UNDERTAKING A hxH Mtnrtment of Casket tnd CoSnt ud the xety latest style i A fiat hears in wsdiws tor faMrak feel to okM wiU oncy ntBAXJOSQ A "i'5 Vlpi ZlftKAM 1 ftB HI 'i 'UJijy Mrs Chris Donner and has ntro been a resident of lanola lownswp since childhood Bbe is a sister ft Mrs Shaw of this eity Mr and Mrs uulu wnv bays livedlon fhe old furm AVAr that tlmjs The esteem In whlcjrMr Rothiand tarried Hept son ie rner family were I trsmelylgeAst nkv the laaxtH 100 carriages fi from the ebun riends and from Peoria Ansiivrrw gun ana ild wai The turn desire to Ihetik jbe neighbors Who so kindly rendered as sistance mid extended word com tona sympathy during tne aud sinee the death of tbeib ana sou WWM 7 3 wsi 111 1 4 I rj aso ssu irH Vlh No 18 Baa i MsU sl 1 fUt it gfflr I I ft UR 1 Sj mta jS iTfe I ft It 'IMUI I jflnr bedft inopf August Apule 1 'XKI 7 awD jrauw ot Quisioliarie umhj £1 a raittHK 'er um egreaumt I'Wn' Wwewsm sss nn TT 1 Ktlt inn In verv grntllade fog ban Uvo vtiwuic MVIMH5MVH WyU BraHHI tHff MnMtuMKWlui devet Ls Wiwraii fbbj flnVi liWllrtHirAlbe iisu 'f' HgitookifrBow 5 1 I JVto Aftk rwftuw'ftwn I 1 iVZ X' A VX 3 1 WWW WWWWWW JWWWW JJH1 Gwdft Lwallerica for ihTerokwtite uorBMifiiieto duggtetoM fj WMBaraHdUP jawsw i j7 JBJWraWS iJlo '1nto Sc fMantowd tathm PhnUd GUfttorMHeaikrta rla torn Mfcsd limSffle 'W wSK' a a ewsa o' wa 'wBwwiwsafesawia iTyMwv mb uiaar Itabeto J1 I WIWff i L4I12Z LTX1 J'JL J11C 1 IJn i IT 8b Drugs X3T 01 wll 11 WW! 3i 3B EBJSlEe 13 wl 11685 JtSETfiSr a 1 jjggl 'S1M ML VipSL BSWfjj Mri KoW IITl'wUHlIf'W WfllW mfr) uww inowvisw ma a.
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- Years Available:
- 1874-1908