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- The El Paso Journali
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bkainsoflowpbice ODD PRIDE ILLINOIS STATE NEWS JJR RANK STUBBLEIELD THE THE BURTIS in Deafer in IRON AND STEEL ROOING Metal Shlngls EM ESTIMATES URNISHED On application LEMON JOHN STKBBIXS EAST SIDE EL PASO ILLINOIS a MOORE Justice of the Peace Oonllag Agnt Notary Public on AMtiots 1000 posTorrics building 1000 pD WHITMIRE 1600 950 1000 ODD HOME pH VAN HOOK 1050 EL PASO ILLINOIS 450 irst National Bank Building' pAVID A STROTHER HAIRDRESSING And Bhzvtng Special attention gtvma ladle' and abBdran bate dxasstng BASEMENT UNDER BANK ALBERT BRIGGS NEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOL LAWYER DEBOLT AMERICAN EXPRESS CO EL' PASO' AUCTIONEER Veterinary Surgeon fL Dentist fttUOB i a cm rwjtr cwwv 2000 500 of of ONE TROUBLE WITH THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS THE COUNTRY Some acta and lguresShowing that Mere Headwork Is at a Heavy Dia count SpeCial Pedagogic Course for Women Educational Notes fS SUPERB INSTITUTION AT LINCOLN OCCURRENCES DURING PAST WEEK Abstractor of Titles $2500 1200 Dsalarta GRAIN credit on him for it combination of mas sive stability and artistic beauty i ft A Busiulm Portion of Liberty vllle Go Up in 8mokT Troublee of a lievatnr Reformer raa Plght ollows a Rockford Weddlngr PARKIHSON Gradual And aU kinds of Mat KAPPA LXNOXA Noway Prarspha A little (laughter of Cornelius Beider living near Springfield drank some con centrated lye with fatal results Two dozen choir boys of EmnnuefUpls copal Church Rockford left for Twin Lakes Wi for an outing at the invita tion of Rev Wyllya Rede the rector Thomas McCann a commercial trav eler aud Anna Cory both of Chicago were married at Peoria Rev II Mor ton officiating The ceremony took place at the home of the preacher The highwayman arrested for robbing Suiienisor Boynton of Pleasant Plains and who claimed to bo Craig Toliver was identified as rank Evans a paroled pris oner from the State reformatory who was lent up from Petersburg for robbing a store At Wankega a severe electrical and rain atorm did considerable damage The Northwestern depot was struck ty light ning The cupola was burned off and the telegraph wi' ea burned out The flag staff on the court house tower wa also struck and shattered arm Sales Land' and Msrshswtl Vans Esasunabta HHENKXLLMtamkIB 850 450 GOO 3875 1400 1200 4250 1850 1200 3500 2700 1500 900 G00 9 the project The Grand Lodge of 1N8I adopted a resolution by Deputy Grand Master Conway that the sum of $84992 whih was a surplus in the hands of the grand treasurer set apart for char itable purposes be given a a donation to the orphans' home On the same dny a resolution was offered by George IV Cbowning pledging from the two lodges of Lincoln a donation of forty acres uf land if the home were located upon it and $5000 in cash amount was soon after supplemented by $5000 more In addition to all this the Odd ellows lftAAB TBATt' ATTiarfenM Bast ot reference AU atauacu printed frse um ur wrtWk METAMORA ILLINOIS Notos Cornell University consists of over seventy buildings Smith College named after the wom an who founded It is second only' to Wellesley in size Last year 787 un dents were provided for Bequests of the late John Carter of Newson Mass will bring about $50 000 in all to the treasuries of Harvard College the Massachusetts Institute of Technology the Boston Art Museum abd other institutions The initial donation to the proposed $5000000 endowment fund forbruadcnlng the scope pt the versify oVennsylranihas been madej by Ml sTbomas McKean who gaved nko amount to university a few month Mr Richard Doper baa gtven $10OOOo iiaHie a houie la the new dormitofy of the university overlook the pretty town from it eleva tion and a level bontevard will lead to It gates Everybody Interested ha contributed to the success and ibeaufy of the new school acob Haish an old settler of the district has contributed $10000 for the formation of a library and Isaac Ell woodin additions donating portion nf the ground has given $20000 toward the expenses of building Loan to the Trnetees Mr Ellwood also loans $50000 without interest to the board of trustee to en able construction to proceed at once This is the amount appropriated ly tho Legislature to the school bnt the money is not immediately available so Mr Ell wood enine to the did of the board with to advance the money jJVjih other stints now in hand the board ha $80000 to begin the erection of the school building and ground will be broken for it within thirty days Moreover the citi lens of DeKalb were uot backward in giv ing the school support They met some time ago' and agreed to raise $10000 to pay for landscape gardening on the grounds and to pay tor the freight of ma terial Then when a young Illinois ar chitect enme along with a plan for the institution far superior to anything else although lie competed with many design ers of national reputation the board of trustees saw their way clear and will not pan until the State normal school build ing is a thing of reality aud beauty The design of Brash was most favored and after an informal conference and vote it was selected as the winner Tlie nrvompnnying eut will give a general view of the structure It is to be 360 feet in length by sixty feet deep with cast and west wings extending back to a depth of 10( feet At the rear of Jhe center building will In the assembly hall 85x80 feet containing a grand hull with a atnge and also a gymnasium fc Interior of llnllding The central building will contain a lec ture room and reception parlors also and lunch aud recreation rooms In the wing will bo physical and chemical laboratories and class and nmiu The second floor will contain living rooms nnd dormitories Ths contract calls for space enough to accom modate 1000 pupils The eost is to bo $150000 The structure will be of Norman gothic style and the front will be of gray Bed ford stone with heavy brick backing Steel will bo used for the interior Con struction with brick and flrepnmf mate rial Particular attention will be given to stairway space and exits the whole plan being one of exceptional beauty re garding its adaptability for school pur poses The architect Charles Brush Is a graduate of the University of Illinois of the class of 1887 and after leaving there studied In the best American and Euro pean schools of architectural designing Since establishing hltnselfzin business in Chicago he has accomplished some im portant work lie designed and built tho Marino Hospital at Cairo and also the addition to the Chcter penitentiary costing $299000 Ills latest triumph in his art is the normal school It reflect Eye Ear Nose and Thboat GUms Mcnratsly fitted 775 The writer does not desire to be un derstood as objecting to the scale of salaries paid to special teachers Doubt less they earn all they receive but It is earnestly contended that In view of the relative Importance of the branches taught there should be either a scaling up or a scaling down There Is still another phase of our ed ucational system which In Its latter 'day development seems to have mili tated strongly against the greatest use fulness of our schools The extremeleniency of the regulations ot the board of education In dealing with Insubordi nation has had a potent influence in crippling the earnest efforts of con scientious teachers In behalf ot their pupils Public at Large la to Blame The writer Is fully conscious that ap proaching this subject is like treading on holy ground and that It Is the gen eral custom to doff the shoes of com mon sense before entering upfih it The proof of this assertion is found In the attitude taken by public at large whenever the question of discipline in the common schools comes up 4 it would almost seem as If men and wom en of undoubted Judgment and ap proved good sense upon all matter of social ethics abandoned their claim to one and the other when It came to a question ot the control of children 1 It Is probable tbflt no thoughtful per son doubts the necessity of a strict dis cipline backed by the authoritative right to punish any breaches of it for the proper up bulldlng and maintain ing of an efficient army or navy Yet the board of education supported by public opinion has turned loose an army of children of all ages recruited from all ranks ot society upon the long suffering public school teacher and demands that without the shadow of a right to punish with scarcely the right to reprove they shall convert this heterogenous mass Into orderly well trained battalions that shall pres ently go forth conquering and to con quer Always Agaiaat the Teacher Yet when as occasionally hap pens a dispute between teacher and pupils breaks the bounds of the school room and becomes a topic for public comment the unanimity with which It Is taken for granted that the teacher Is to blame and the promptness with which he or she Is held up to popular obloquy and contempt is wonderful to behold Gross Insubordination on the part of the pupil previous good record on the part of the teacher delegated authority from the nothing avails to stem thc tide of public wrath and without leaving their seat the jury return verdict of with sel dom even a recommendation of mercy Itls easy io see that this openly Avow ed' lack of confidence In the judgment and humanity of the teacher must have a moat disastrous effect upon his rels ilons with his pupils and renders still more difficult his already hard task It seems to the writer that In view of the conditions cited above It Is little won der that year by year publie schools are becoming fiore ornamental and leas useful that year by year they are turning out more butterflies and fewer honey bees but what it mbst serious of all that they are by precept and example eliminating from the mind of the Young American' the em bryo dtlien respect for authority def erence to superior attainments and a proper regard for law and order The Explanation of It A little Jap was on trial in the police court for defrauding an Innkeeper lie had testified in bl own behalf that be hud paid hl room rent for a mouth "Bow much did you pay?" asked the prairuung mioruey The little Jap sat and stared at his questioner The query was repeated of Everybody glanted st the clock and observed that the time was correctly given "Yes quarter to 11 but I want to know how much room rent you paid" "Quarter to repeated the Jap don't 'understand How much money did you fell you quarter to The question was repeated In various form but that was the only answer the Jap would give and lie grew more vehement with every repetition He was locked In a padded ceil tn tho receiving: hospital and examined be fore the commiaaloners of Insanity when It was learned that he paid $1073 for hls San rtnclsco Post Kew Way to Gain Time John was a dull boy nt bls books and Although almost nine years old still had difficulty In spelling very short and easy words But now and then he showed a gleam of something like in telligence One day a younger scholar asked the teacher how to spell kind ot asked Qis teacher i By a coincidence another child pres ently wanted to know bow to spell "What klnd id do you mean?" the teacher inquired That afternoon tn thc pelling daa the teacher asked John to spell John did not remember but he dWlk cd to say so 0 ikind of Mata Ho you mean?" hdkgj with very innocent drawl Duriegj the when armor wa Bfiiflfiifeths'eavalry was the slow mov irijr'a'rttBLtha service all movements being executed by ffi faatry Excursion trains and largo delegations accompanied by bands of music to par ticipate in the parade arrived from the following iluws: Chicago Itlwiming ton Peoria Decatur Danville Cham paign Clinton Havana Mason City Springfield Atlanta ami Mount Pulaski Tho establishment of this home wns agitated a early as 1886 nnd a charter was secured but there was no money for Offire tn Wright's UpSlolr Dttia and morigags mads and afiktrtsdsd by ms Notary publie offics WIU pxMitos tn ah court in th stats collect debts aud ssttls real estate EUREKA ILLINOIS aehloaabl Dedication of the 4ew Cottage for Boys' In "Connection with the Or sMonieySketcIi of the Prog ress of This Noble'Work An Imposing Event Odd ellows from many lUlinoiarities gathered Lincoln Tuesday to celebrate the enlarged usefulness of a cherished In autution a cottage for boys has been ad ded to the orphan' home and it wa dedicated with ap propriate ceremo nies Among those present were: John Stebbins of Rochester the grand sire Judge Phillips of Virginia Hl grand master: all the officer of the Grand laalge of Illi nois and representatives from the subor dinate lodges of Odd ellow the en campments of the Rebekah organisations The ceremony consisted of the dedicatory exercises by a staff from Decatur and ad dresses by the grand sire and grand mas I ROBESON' fibres BuetMin BARBER AKD BATH BOOMS Bath room open st all times Agsut tor PsortaWretKafi LAUNDRY work first claa Physician And Surgeon OMre n4 noMcare on block aortk CuapbcU Rons Railway Burgeon a aa4 AW' EL ASO ILLINOIS BLACKSMIJHING And Repairing of all ktad norreshactag and plow work a specially and citizens of Lincoln hare contributed several hundred dollar Bince that time and an untold amount of hard labort rom this time forward the efforts of the directors were exerted in every possi ble direction to a sum suffi cient to warrant the commencement practical work in the building of the home and the corner stone was laid May 21 1891 The home is advantageously lo cated on tract of land cqntaiulng for Mils uonaisu ty acres on the south side of the city and fronting on Wyatt avenue Tle home cottage consist of coal furnaces toilet and a large well lighted and ventilated playroom In the playroom are forty locker for the boy Iti located in the basement where there 1 a concrete floor The first floor con sist of reading and revving room hall vestibule quarters with bath room bath ward and toilet rooms The second floor is divided into five largo and airy bed rooms ball and toilet rooia The aide or dormitory is a large room with four closet The stair work is in oak and the floor bard wood The wood work of the entire exterior i in cypre and hard oil finish All the wall and1 ceilings of thia building are beautifully decorated In modern designs Tho most attractive parts of this cottage are the porches which are long and built in good lute sue gvuerai arcinieciure coniorm to the main building and the Intention 1 to add cottage a they are needed Then are now in the home ninety chil dren with application 'on file for more The next cottage will be similar to the first and when completed will be used exclusively for girls The entire cost of the grounds the building': and the furnishings to date represent an outlay of $75000 The in mate are given the advantage of a perjor education Tho boy are drillled in work adapted to them and the girls are carefully instructed In household work WELCOME GRAND SIRE6TKBBIN8 Odd ellow Gather to Meet the 8a preme Officer of the Order Odd ellow and their friend crowded the Oblcago Methodist Church Monday night to welcome Grand Sire Steb bins of Rochester Nr Mr Stebbins mde a brief address In Which he ex tolled the order and called attention to the prominence it had attiffiRT also ad vised the building ot an Odd ellows temple that would be a credit to Chicago expressing the belief that the order was wealthy enough to carry out such an ba terprise In thia connaction be stated that the Odd: ellows of the United States owned $10JXM)(XX worth of real estate within forty eix jurisdictions An address was also delivered by ast Grand Master 8 Conway Tuesday MrStebbins went to Lincoln to dedicate the home NORMAL SCHOOL IN DE KALB Nev Ste lnatttatlon Will Ba Con atrncted a Once Planted on a knoll by the aide of the Kishwaukee River at DeKalb the hand some' new Stat normal for the northern district of Illinois will soon rear its makslve gray walls In the front will be sloping lawns to a grove of forest trees shadowing pretty'take 'itJid to the east will flow a quiet stream spanned by artis tic bridges The school grounds trill oc cupy alxtpaeyen acre of land donated by Ell wood and forming of the garden spats in the State The Institution is located within fourteen miles of th geographical center of the normal school district and is eayfly reached from Chicago by the Northwest ero RaUway DeKalb 1 only fifty eight miter from Chicago and the school will hi children may receive all possible educational advantages would be con sidered unworthy both of his nation ality and his parental privileges Un fortunately the popular interpretation of the phrase does not mean that a child shall 'be trained to do the thing for which na ture lias best fitted him or her Pa ambition 1 takes precedence of natural adaptation and In this natal home of equality no one willingly re mains In the ranks of those who their bread by the sweat of their Every pint cup tries to hold' a quart' and there Is nd quart vessel but feel sure it can contain a1 gallon' There must therefore be added to the course of study ologies and languages music and drawing untl one wonders that the young minds are not exhausted and the youug bodies worn out long be? fore the schooldays are ended It is the growth of the desire on the part of thj American public for the more ornamental branches of educa tion which has in the last ten years almost doubled the average cost per annum for each pupil In the public school It Is owing to this same spirit that so many thousands of the children are either nearly deprived ot all school privileges or have at most only the advantage of balf day ses sions Their birthright has been taken tliat others may sup a richer porridge Special Studies Cost More Money Special studies come high and the salaries of those who teach them are not adjusted with the same careful economy that arranges the salaries ot the teachers of the ordinary brunches By way of Illustration here Is another little table of comparison: Teacher of singiug Assistant Assistant special teachers of draw ing from $1900 to Singing grammar grades from $1300 to Singing primary grades from $1000 to Head assistants in primary grade from $850 to Assistants from $450 to Male assistant teachers in primary and grammar grades from $750 to Assistant teachers primary grades common branches from $4o0 to rpnOMAS PATTERSON Agani tor Old XfoUahl ire Insurance Companies The Infant child of JL Osborae of Champaign was so severely scalded that it died The city of Hillsboro win give a nee to any pereon who will earn It by break ing rock two hour The irst Presbyterian Church of Pe oria has ex tended a call to the Itev Henry Schmitt of oreston The residence of A Tyng Jr Peoria was rubbed of $1000 worth good during i ircu parade Safford de Scoville lumber dealer Rockford for thirty years have fallevl Nominal aauots exceed the liabilities by $15OUO Elmer Parmelee of Chicago and Miss Mud Gibb or Englewood wererquietly married at Delavan Lake where the bride bus been attending the summer A number of Roekford trleruls were present at the ceremony The filthy water In ill Illinois Rler drove a large school of German carp into a fresh water stream two mile north of Lacon A frog catcher named Devault discovered them there Obstructing tho mouth of the stream with a pitch folk threw out on the bank 5000 of tho fish worth 4 cent a pound Attorney Lane the Decatur Parkhurst was nearly mobbed at the race track He was in the gram! stand look ing down on the crowd getting name of citizens who were buying tool ticket on the races intending to use the Infor mation before the Grand Jury Lauo was protected by the officers and led out of the track John Larkin nnd Robert Trcathway were arrested for gambling at tho race track and keeping a place for gnming Roth gave cash bonds for their apimarance The Attorney General is receiving: many Inquiries ns to thn scope of the "flag passed by the Thirty ninth General Assembly and it UJikcly that he will soou give an opinion as to whether or not They are valid and of binding force as to private and parochial school As sistant Attorney General Newell said: of directors of public school cannot make a contract binding upon th school district fur the adoption and use of a particular series of school books excepting at a regular or special meeting of the lioard for that purpose" Timothy Dtfscoll a laborer of Alton while digging for a sewer at HL Joseph's Hospital came upon th skeleton of a mastodon The ditch wa bring dug at the depth of fiftreu fret on the brow of a hyi that had previously been graded off thirty feet for building purposes and tho workmen came squarely upon the head The remains recovered include' several monster teeth one molar weighing twen ty five pounds and many bone of tho head and neck The trunk lie In the clay bank and ran lie easily dug out A Com plete skeleton of the kind was once found in that locality by the late Prof Mc Adams An important victory for tho Salvation Army was won in Rock Island A Sulra tiouist was arrested for beating a drum on the Btrcct on 8uuday and the army's attorney Odell of Moline held that the city ordinance under which th arrest waa made was unconstitutional a It deprived person ot the liberty of con ducting religious service according to thrir conviction Justice Weld decided against tho city The arrest 1 made all the mor notable from tho fact that th Rock Island Council repcsd its ordi nance fr the closing of saloon on Bun day and Instructed the police uot to keep the saloon closed on that day Oscar Baughman Alderman of th town of Lewiston ulton Uonnty wa abducted by two professional detective from an agency condncted by John arley Bunday morning and up to th present time he hns been kept so carefully accreted that his whereabout cannot located The officer making th arrest decoyed him to Chicago with bogus let ter and when they Mdaed him trader the pretext of arrest charged that he wa wanted in ulton County for the burn ing of the court house at Canton a year ago The board ot supervisor appro priated $2390 to be used In running down th men who burned th court hou One ot the largest Jail deliveries wllch ever took place In Kane County occurred shortly after 8 Wednesday even ing The main cage in the new eonnty Jail contained twelve prisoner Some on happened to ee a man leap from the north window of the' jail and gave the alarm A hasty Investigation revealed thS empty jail Th man seen was the last of twelv prisoners Sheriff waa absent on bnalnrea at the time but a little band of deputies waa promptly or ganlzcd nnd started out (n pursuit Two jhf th cping prisoner were soon cap tured The remaining ten are itlll at large with but lit tl prospect of finding them James U'Brlcn' better known a Prairie Jim wa the worst in the lot and is reoponsible for a great many rob beries He 1 inspected of having engi neered the jail delivery The prisoner 1 in some way secured possession of a bar and according to the particular obtained broke the lock on the cage door They then brok th lock on th window faat eniug at the north end of corridor and climbed out 1 i' iv Th State Board of Equalisation la on gaged with commltte work The Clerks are busy at work on th tabulation of re turns and until thf la completed no defi nite action wilt be taken An Interesting statement ba been prepared by Secre tary Eusti showing the relation of th railroad assessment made by th £tat board to the property assessment mad by local BMereor and th comparison of th assessment of 189 twith that of 1877 as shown by Judge Scott in bl recent statement for tho counties comprising his district Th value of property i as sessed by local assessors wa $892380 072 in 1877 and $737080016 in im decrease in valuation of $15439 U0L Th vain of railroad property a as sess ed by the State board was $37 ML 180 In 1877 and $70231404 In IBM an Increase of $42087 084 Thq railroad mileage of the State in 1877 was 0303 and in 1894 It waa 9560 miles Allowing for this Increase In mileage which amounts to 47 per rent the percentage of increase of railroad aasexmenta since 1877 I 113 while the property assessed by local assessor is decreased IT per rent Mias Marguerite BhulL a leading so ciety lady Springfield And daughter of ex 8tate Senator and now United States District Attorney William EL Bhvlt has been admitted to practice law by the Su preme Court Out of das otfifty ex amined forty six passed At Alton th corp of a man about 43 year old averse stature and weight wa picked op in the river by sons ffeber men havlng apsuyvntjy tieen ibrqiiglit outof th lUlnotswitik th flow from re cent rain Certain marks on the head led: to th Inference that th" man bad been The 'corner stone of th Visitation Church 'at IIHopalis wu laid Th mt vice were conducted th Csthotlq ofcpreh by Very Rsvcrendathsr Mohr of Hjiriagfie Th' sermonwit preaeh cd by Rev ather rancis of Indjanapo Sr? The: Elgbtywlxth' Regiment tool Volunteer hW wtwo days rennton bv Peoria It Wga the ninth reunion and the thirty third snniverMry ot'ti afi fol etvst CMuntander'John McGinnis Vic Commander Ad Jutant awl Quartermaster Kewn GUaon: Chaplain' the Re'vJ Rih How Thing Are in Chicago Aline Devin writing In the Chi cago Evening Post says: If there is one feature of our national life In which more than in another all loynl Ameri cans have taken pride it is our gener ous system of education Under Its beneficent workings It has been pos sible so we have claimed for the child of The poor man to begin the race of life on terms of absolute educational equality wltb'the child of the rich The red schoolhouse on the hill" has been erected Into a palla dium it has served as an altar and priceless libations have been poured upon it It has developed Into a Moloch Into whose Insatiable maw we cast our youth of both sexes and all ages and from which we receive what? Youths and maidens fitted for the peremptory duties of life that demand their atten tion almost before they cross for the last time the threshold ot their school or dilettante adolescents with a smat tering of many things an accurate work a day knowledge ot nothing! The consensus of observing wisdom shows a decided leaning toward the latter conclusion rom the contempla tive depths of study and from Kate ield's lively inner conscious ness there comes the same pertinent query: What Is wrong with our pub lic shools? Where such as these lead it takes little courage to follow igure a They Are in Chicago As to this particular municipality it may be possible that one reason wby our common schools heve failed In doing the work fot which they were es tablished is because ot the prevailing Impression that anybody can teach and that teaching must be cheap The writer is thoroughly aware that this Is not the theory but that it is the practice the following comparisons of salaries goes far to prove: Principals of high schools $2800 Assistants of high schools maxi mum Minimum Head assistant grammar school having served over ten years Assistant teacher in primary grades maximum Minimum Assistant teachers in grammar grades maximum Minimum Teacher of waifs Chief engineer Assistant engineers maximum Minimum Business manager Assistant manager Clerk to manager Clerk' to noard Auditor Assistant auditor stenographer Messenger rom this table It Is seen that the chief engineer easily ranks those towhose executive ability Is Intrusted the direction of our schools his assistants are Jffigher salaries than the first assistant of the grammar grades apd his stenographer receives more than the teacher who has served the public longer than Jacob served for Rachel Errand Boy Get More than a Teacher But the most remarkable showing of this table Is that the boy who runs the errands for the business manager Is paid at a higher rate than the teacher who Is iu her third yetr of service In the prlmaryigrade he receives less than she who is giving her third year the grammar grade audjust the same as the one to whom Is assign ed the delicate and difficult task of guiding the reluctant feet of our street arabs into the primrose paths of knowl edge Six hundred dollars per annum Is the sum which the Board of Educa tion deems sufficient remuneration for the tact experience and education nec essary in dealing with this laes of a class thaj would tax to the utmost the wisdom of an Arnold tho courage of a Welles the tender pa tience of a Christ Six hundred dollars for this work and six hundred for th boy who carrlesmessages for the busi ness manager' 1 The young woman who begins teach ing In the primary grade at $450 per annum may hope In the sixth year of her service to acquire the magnificent Income of $775 I the grammar grade at the end ef a similar period she will receive $850 and there she stops That Is to say the person Into whose hands Is committed the dally care and train ing of the children of the republic she who Is deemed competent to mold the tender minds and direct the untrained energies of our future citizens fa paid about one half as much as the man who stokes the flies They Are All Children Together A well worn adage declares that the twig is bent th the tree in clines" but our Board of Education knows It says hr effect does not In the least matter how these: very young tw'gs are handled nor Ubw much they: are twisted of shape now later they esn be straightened" Bo the yonng teicber the ln6xperl 'enced cadet is put Into the primary department where your boy my dear sir your daughter dear madam are laying the foundation for the whole superstructure of their future educa This I the most Important workwhich Is confided to th most youthful and least experienced of all the teach era girls who mean 'well and Consid ering their youth and consequent lack of skill do astonishingly well It Is in nowise thetr discredit that they do better for themselves than for the children or that In teaching tho little one they gain more than tney impart Otherwise they would not be pald $75 more for the second year than for the first Another reason th failure of re sults In our common schools may be found in the fact that the Importance or to speak more correctly the neces sity of an elementary education for every citizen qf this country Is largely lost sight of In the growing anxiety on the nart of na rents teacher and pu pils for thatUnore pretentious cucrlctv intn whirhreaua wen in an annua re port looks well In aDe'wspaper report and sounds weU in arenta! Ambition Dor AIL An AmetlcanJiiarent whtt js not will tag to make any sacrifice in order that J)R RANK BOYLAN ROANOKE ILL Spacial attenitonfren to Mum of Libartxville lr Sept 1'ire deiStreyed fourteen buildings com prising the business section ot Liberty ville Lake County at 1 o'clock Saturday morning The progress of the fire wa Stayed only when it had burned to the outskirts in one direction and buildings in the path of destruction in another had Keen blown in the air by dynamite Loa by the fire will reach $79000 ollow ing is a list of the merchants and business men whose buildincs were destroyed: Bicycle factory reported destroyed Com mercial Hotel IT Eiger store Jpffee Joffee store Inunicr store Paddocks printing office Tester store piano factory Savey Austin store Schauch hardware store and postotljce origin of the fire II three warehouses Twiggs Taylor store Triggs dwelling A textile fire crowds of home less citizens gathered around tho ashes of their town and waited until day broke to plan or the future The fire wns the first In seken year and found the town wholly unprepared Tho population of the town is about 1000 The building for the most part were frame and afforded good fuel for the flumes Must Pass in the Rtudle The Thirty ninth General Assembly passed a law providing" for tho examina tion of teachers for school certificates in the first and second grades and stipulat ing what studies they should be examined in 1'hysiology and hygiene were not mentioned in the list of studies required In reply to an inquiry Assistant Attorney General Nowell has rendered nn opinion as follows: applicant for certificates are required to pass nn ex amination in physiology and hygiene so far as the same applies to the effect of alcoholicbeveragraj aMmsfisni nd nar cotlcs upon the human system notwith standing the act passed by the lt Legis lature of this State The net of 1889 which went iuto force July 1 1890 re quires that all applicants for certificates shall be examined in physi ology and hygiene a above set Indict Baughman and Other The ulton County grand jury In ses sion at Lewistown brought In indictments charging Baughman Brown and Henry with burning the court bouse last Decem ber Aftia the grand jury brought iu these indictments Judge Orc said that in view of the extraordinary circumstance surrounding the case of the Chicago de tectives and prominent citizens of Canton charged with conspiracy to loot tho ul ton County treasury out of $2500 reward offered for tho arrest of these pen after they were in custody he would appoint a special State's attorney to take tho place of Gallagher of Canton the regu lar State' attorney He appointed Kin sey Thomas of Lewistown who wait form erly State' attorney to take charge of those cases and to help the grand jury make thorough Investigation Sweet Bell Out of Tune Charles Schleiker and Miss Alice Ham mer organists of St German Lutheran and the irst German Churches respectively were married at Rockford but a fight between the groom and tho bride' brother followed the ceremony at the church door the parties Iwlng separ ated by an officer Th mother wanted her to be married at the church where played bnt the yonng couple picked the pastor on the quiet Mr Hammer and her son not hearing of it until it was all over and just reaching the church in time to ee them come out Then the trouble followed Ws Hanging by Illa Heel Belshazzar Kreig aged 65 a German farmer residing northwest of Virginia as found dead banging by his hsels in tho most secluded place In Stewart Reid's orchard He had a quarrel with hi ton about a road through his field Tho ver dict of th coroner' jury 1 that Kreig committed aulclde by hanging himself iu the tree top The ropo broke after he wa dead and In falling the man's heels caught In th fork of the tree in which condi tion he waa found Un leave a widow and three children Wanted for Criminal Libel Iane an attorney who has been trying to prosecute Decatur gamblers dis tributed on the streets handbill In which he said Attorney Isaac Mills Mayor Conklin Sheriff Jerry Nich olson and' Marshal William M'Maaoir were catering to 300 gamblers worse than burglars These officers issued a warrant charging Lane with criminal libel State New in BrieL John Durrsteu of Scale Moundr wa killed by the bursting of stone burr in a feed mill Mrs Elisa Breese' widow of the late Chief Justice Breeze died at Carlyle She wa 87 year old A Quincy woman' named Dora Heil wagon shot her faithless lover Henry Boding and her rival Rosa Swearingen They are in the hespital and th doctoray their wopnd wilt prove fatal John Skinner a prominent Blooming ton business man died aged 30 from malarial fever while the funeral of hi father David Skinner wa being 'held He leaves a wife and two children At Peosta County Clerk Chari Rude! begun suit against Duncan McPhail ot Peoria and Benjamin Cover of Lkntone both police magistrate for dis obeying the law requiring marriage li cense to' be returned to the county clerk within thirty day After they are iraned The Caseswilf fought hard Th eonnty dark 1 determined and aays th Jw must brabeyed Morris Rosenfeld president of th Mo Itne AVagon Company and the lead ing manufacturers of the West! very low with His life i despaired of 1 S1 Gov 'Attgeld refuse to allow the ap propriation of $1200 TtT A RMnnmnt to Gen Thomas ord at Peoria tpbe nsedl until the cltlaani of that place provide money to take jrare of Jhe lot The Secretary of Statoof Illlnots ta nowending out anti trust blank to all cor poration Twenty thousand wilt be rent out bnt it I not expogte that half that mnnyreplle trill be received 1 Over 100 members tmk and Stubblefield' families of Central Illinois were jWtaeiitYat a recent reuntoo at Bloomington Zs The' ullonCottnty RinnJon Ataocia tion In session al Canten derided to hold the next mootinf itLbwistoWn Lonl rantz1 Si flrenuwon Bee fl of th Drainage wasjirtring to Afrtgjryn the too pathbt the otdcanaL A tean barge frightened th jtorae which backed into th canal which only fir feet deep The hqrao struck rants with his treat bouf tund kaocluul him senselessIh firomaniiWaa drowned though the kora and boggy iwere taken from tho tonal witnouk wMe TiEslyB Bl wl felaal BS ftwM rw Wl IWWlM 'RiilB ReprMalng atml l0eoe00eM ron am raw given Call on aw btfors goto alMwtar 11 you want a rsUabte Ar Mtnm vj policy Agent tor tu zEuta LU taapzzj' OicswKla BalM mas: E4L Kodok L' mote LWBanrtwW writer i XL ASO XXJMNpHt Ma biHMamdircte4 wf JL wot 1 7rJI tiijtfTOffa 5 WilHIWR llhWLaBirnhH a miTniUk a A 1 I ''tamlsoapta iiiaoo'BraigagllMMrawtintBfBSr: a aMi "I IB H' l7 I' Uli.
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