El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

1 THE EL PASO TIMES. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1928 G. O. P. IN SUPPORT OF CAL (Continued from page 1) 825.000 downward.

SAYS WOMEN WILL ENFORCE DRY LAW. Democratic national committee, anpounced tonight. Shaver made public statement from Jesse H. Jones, director of finance for the committee, reporting total contributions and pledges of 8508,000, including the $200,000 convention fund raised in Houston, Texases listed his national own personal convention. contribution 45 850,000.

Thomes F. Ryan, New York, gave 850,000. Other contributions ranged from St. Petersburg, March 7 (AP). -The southeastern prohibition conference of the Anti-Saloon league ended a four-day session here late tonight after affirming its unequivocal opposition to any wet candidates for the presidential nomination and hearing suggestion for a national dry convention to check up on the outcomes of those of the two major political parties.

Men who say that the constitution of the United States can be annulled are forgetting that half of the electorate are women who intend to see that it is not, Mrs. Henry Peabody of Beverly, Mass, general chairman of the woman's national committee for law enforcement, convention Appearing as first woman speaker of the convention before an audience made up chiefly of women, Mrs. Peabody said that the women of the country "see the law is not being enforced now," and that they intend to take part the next election to "put things in shape so that it will be." "Why all this silly drivel about the she inquired. prohibtion law "The being women nullified?" the a natural law enforcers. Who enforces the law in your family? "When father talks too much about personal liberty, leave him with six children to care for a week.

then come back and you'll find that he has forgotten that there ever was such a term. a "Women have a conspicuous place in the law enforcement program, because they have been enforcing the law down through all ages. They are the mothers back of their children, teaching, law observance to save those children, are the future citizens of the world, from breaking laws. Men, too, have their place in law program They make many laws, but too often are prone to go off and forget about thein afterward. "It is the women who must act as a cheek to these dangerous WALSH ATTACKS G.

O. P. PROPAGANDA. Washington, March AP old-fashioned political foray in the senate, with Walsh, Democrat, Massachusetts, defining the issue of the coming campaign as prosperity propaganda versus actual unemployment. featured a congressional day otherwise devoid of high lights.

Smoot of Utah, answering charges of widespread unemployment circulated by Wagner of New York, in getting his department of labor investigation resolution through, brought down on his head a deluge of Democratic oratory. Such stalwarts of partisan political debate as Walsh, Massachusetts: Harrison of Mississippi, and others shared in a assault 011 alleged Republican misgovernment. They went unanswered for the most part, even Smoot vanishing from his place after starting the uproar, and the Republican side of the aisle being very thinly populated at all times. Miss Karen Jeppe, of Denmark. known also as the Floren a Nightingale of Armenia, has resigned her post with League of Nations to devote the remainder of her life to helping Armenians who are not only without homes, but also without relatives.

A mark of honor THE GRUEN MESA AT MILLS HIXSON'S, Leaders Forced From Pyle's Race (Continued from page 1) his battle against strained muscles that had kept him far in the lead during the first two days of the transcontinental race. Quamawahu, Hop! Indian of Arizona, who last night. led the nearly 200 contestants in total elapsed time, also was incapacitated this morning. Cramps seized him a few miles after the start, and his attendants worked on him feverishly as he lay on his back beside the asphalt desert highway. The sturdy Hopi went back into the race, but at a walking gait.

Gunnar Nielsen, Kolehmainen's Finnish running mate, from New York City, also went the same way today. Aching legs that refused carry weary body forced him to drop out." He blamed earlier speeding for his early elimination. Nestor Erickson, fleet Finnish pace setter yesterday, dropped back today, but crossed the timing mark in fourth place for the day's His time of five hours, 56 stretches gave him a total elapsed time of 19 hours, 20 minutes and 32 seconds. J. Salo, Passaic, N.

moved up, covering the distance today in five hours and 59 minutes for fifth place. His time from Los Angeles totals 20 hours, 49 minutes and 20 seconds. Autopsy Disproves Death Certificate Chicago, March 7 Mrs. Mary A Alice Dickinson, divorced wife of a former Wall street broker, did not die of lobar pneumonia nor from any other causes stated in her death certificate, County Coroner Oscar Wolff announced today after an examination of her body. The body was exhumed after several relatives of the woman, fighting provisions in her will whereby the bulk of her 8100,000 estate was bequeathed to two Chicago nieces with whom she had lived during her declining years, intimated her death was caused by other than natural causes.

They also charged the two nieces, Grace Johnson and Mrs. Margaret Davies, forged the will. Five to Testify In Oil Bond Probe Washington, March 7 (AP)-Reopening its inquiry into the Liberty bond profits of the extinct Continental Trading company, the senate Teapot Dome committee will call five witnesses tomorrow, all of whom are to be questioned as to what bonds were received by the Republican national committee. Those called are William V. Hodges of Denver, treasurer of the Republican national committee; M.

J. Pessin, New York advertising man: James A. Patten, Chicago grain commissioner; Walter J. Malatesta. at associate of the late Fred W.

Upham, one time treasurer of the Republican committee, and Miss F. H. Johnson, Chicago, private secretary to E. B. Eckhart, a Chicago miller.

Seek Soldier as Woman's Slayer Des Moines. Iowa, March 7 the man who yesterday shot Mrs. for, Martha Smith, 82, to death and then attempted to burn her body in her farm home at Rising Sun, cast of here, tonight turned to Fort Snelling, following the finding near the Smith home of an army overcoat, a pair of army gloves and an initialed revolver holster, which attaches of the sheriff's office said had been identified as equipment from a Fort Spelling company. Farm College Fund Approved by House Washington, March 7 annual appropriation of 8980,000 for further development of the co-operative agricultural extension work among state agricultural colleges was authorized today by the house. The appropriation, carried in the Ketcham bill.

provides 820.000 for each state. In addition, under an amendment offered by Delegate Houston of Hawali, 820,000 will be provided annually for that territory. The bill now goes to the senate, LIBERTY MONDAY MARCH 12 HALL EVENING 8:30 John McCORMACK ACK The World's Beloved Tenor Seats on Sale Now. EL PASO PIANO CO. Prices: $1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75.

Phone Main 61. Lubricate the chassis only every 2500 miles in your STUDEBAKER 2500 Hinton Motors, Inc. Phone Main 2790. ITALY IS SHAKEN BY EARTHQUAKE Mexico City, March 7 (UP)- Streets in the town of San Grecorio Actompan, state of Poebla, were cracked open by recent patches today. slight tem.

earthquake, according, to disblors, causing deep crevices In the streets, were reported. Rome, March 7 (UP) -A large tion of Italy was shaken today by earthquakes which extended almost 200 miles southward from the instep of the Italian boot to the southernmost province of Sicily. Early reports from 19 towns which felt the tremors indicated several persons been killed, but that the property damage was not great. Messina, in the northwest tip of Sicily, reported the earthquake was the strongest since 1908, when the city, was tremors leveled. were felt over tera ritory of 5,000 square miles in the Italian earthquake zone.

The earthquakes extended from the 40th parallel of latitude to the 37th, from the province of Calabria Citra, through the provinces of Calabria Ultra 11. Calabria Ultra 1, across the Strait Messina to the Sicilian provinces of Messina, Catania and Siracusa. A 10-second shock was felt at Messina at 11:56 m. Many houses were damaged but no casualties were reported. Inhabitants, pams-stricken, fled to the open, remembering the disastrous earthquake of 20 years ago.

Communication with some towns in the affected area was interrupted and news of the damage in those towns may not be received for another 24 hours. Several persons were reported killed in the towns of Pizzo and Ra dicena, where a number of houses collapsed. Shocks at Reggio di caused a few buildings to crack, Two other towns in the same province, in the toe of the boot, also suffered damage. Earth shocks which did 110 damage were felt in the area betwen Ca tania and Siracusa, while in Cosenza the population was panic-stricken. Shocks also were felt at Cantanzaro, but no damage.

The popula tion, fearing recurrence of the tem blors, spent the night in the open. EXPERT PREDICTS MORE QUAKES. Faenza, Italy. March 1 (UP) -A new series of recurrent earthquakes, beginning Thursday, was forecast today by Prof. Raffaele Bendandi, noted seismic expert.

He said the first of the earthquakes would occur in the Kurile islands and vicinity, in the North Pacific, and with lesser intensity in Portugal, southern France and Hungary. He did not were predict the earthquakes which felt in southern Italy today. DEATHS MRS. MARY ALEXANDER, 70: Funeral arrangements are pending with Peak-Hagedon. Mrs.

Alexander died yesterday morning at a local hospital. She survived by three daughters, Mira. S. E. Bushong and Mrs.

R. R. L. R. Bell, Kehn, Yuma, of El Paso, and and by three sons, J.

S. Davis, Tucson, A. E. and L. L.

Davis, Kerrville, Texas. HUGH McCOY, 38: Funeral arrangements are pending with PeakHagedon. Surviving is a brother, James McCoy, Chicago. ALFONSO RAMOS, 9: Funeral services were held in Peak-Hagedon chapel o'clock. yesterday WAN in afternoon Concordia at 4 cemetery.

He was killed Tuesday night when struck by a switch engine on Sixth street. ANTONIO MIRANDA, 8. Funeral services were held at the residence, 76 Hammett street, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial in Evergreen cemetery under direction of Peak-Hagedon. He is survived by his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Benjamin Miranda. MRS. SOFIA DE TORRES, 29: Foneral services will be held at Patrick's cathedral this morning at' 8 o'clock, the Rev. Robert O'Loughran officiating.

Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery under direction of Hartford company mortuary. Surviving are her husband, her parents, Mr. Mrs. J. L.

Garcia, six brothers and two sisters. RICHARD J. BALCH, 56: Funeral arrangements are pending with Hartford company mortuary, awaiting arrival of a son, H. M. Balch, from Tulsa, Okla.

NORMA JEAN WINANS. 6: Foneral services were held yesterday afternoon at o'clock in the chapel of the Hartford mortuary, the Rev. John V. McCall officiating. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery, EMPEROR ROMBY.

15 (negro): The body will be sent to Dixie, this morning by Peak Hagedon. He is survived by parents, three brothers and five sisters, all of Dixie. BURIED UNDER ENGINE. Durango, March 7 (AP) Engineer Louis Johnson, who was buried under the locomotive that turned over on the Silverton branch of the Denver and Rio Grande ern railroad near Needleton, 30 miles north of here, this morning. had not been extricated late this afternoon and little hope was held for rescuing him alive.

Fireman John Dickman jumped to safety, Coming VITAPHONE TALKING SINGING PICTURES ELLANAY Sunday, March 11 British Rum Ship Must Be Returned San Francisco, March 7 (UP)One of the most far-reaching verdiets In a rum boat seizure case since prohibition was returned by jury in United States court here today. The jury decided that the alleged rum runner. Coal Harbor, British registry, was not seized within American waters or the jurisdiction of the court. It means that the NOVernment must return the seized vessel and its cargo of 9,000 cases of liquors, said to be worth 8200.000, and release 28 members of the crew charged with attempted violation of the smuggling laws. The defense won a further verdict when Judge Frank H.

Kerrigan denied the government's for a new trial and arrest of judgment. The question the jury WaS given to decide was whether the Coal Harbor was seized within one hour's sailing time of American shores. The treaty with Great Britain vides a liquor laden ship shall not he considered smuggler if it is more than an hour's sailing time, or about 12 miles off the coast. Testimony of defense witnesses was that the Coal Harbor was 23 miles off when seized in February, 1925. Government witnesses insisted it was only miles ont.

Suddenly, Chief Boatswain S. Johnson, who commanded the coast guard cutter Cahokia, admitted he had given perjured testimony and the 23-mile position was correct. He now faces prosecution for perjury. Foreign sent to hospitals with wounds. London, March 7 his.

Bombay, India, March 1. is reported from Khandala that long standing dispute among workmen flared into open fight today with the result that six men were killed and 40 persons, Including some women and children, were equal voting rights. London, March 1. torie precedent will be established tainorrow in England when the Women's Equal Suffrage forces hold a huge united franchise demonstration in Queen's Hall and Stanley Baldwin, the prime minister. delivers an address.

It will be the first time that a prime minister, while in office, has addressed meeting of women agitators for hundred persons were arrested today because of rioting which grew out dissatisfaction with Jewish vietories in the general elections, according to a Warsaw dispatch to the Daily Mail. Many were severely Injured in the riots, which were organized by students, who were angry because Jews won two seats in the Polish parliament. Gibraltar, March, persons were killed and eight lously wounded today in La Lines, Spain, when civil guards and carabineers fired into a crowd during serious disturbance at the customs house. There is widespread indignation because of the shooting. Paris, March 1 FrancoItalian commercial treaty, renewable every three months, was signed here today by Minister of Commerce Maurice Bokanowsk! and Italian Ambassador Count Manzont.

Italy will favor French carpets, Jewels, laces, fine leathers and slate, while France will accord favored -nation treatment on imports of concentrated milk, fruit and hats. Confesses to Plot For $50,000 Ransom Holyoke, Mass, March 1 (US)Michael Buinickas, textile worker, this afternoon confessed that he had used the mails to plot 850,000 ransom for Frances St. John Smith. Buinickas was trapped in Northampion last night as he took decoy package from postoffice box rented by him under AD A5 sumed name three days before Frances disappeared from Smith college, where she was a freshman student. Buinickas WAS arraigned before United States Commissioner Fred F.

Bennett here. He was charged with using the United States mals to defraud. He pleaded guilty. He was held in bail for $5,000. Buinickas, who Is 32 years old and the father of three children, denied any actual connection with the dis appearance of the girl.

Reproves Husband, Gets Blow on Nose Los Angeles, March 7 Corabel Bernstein today signed deposition which revealed in court her story of boudoir scenes between her husband and Mrs. Lillian Goo gan, mother of Jackle Coogan, juve- mile film star, in connection with her 8750,000 alienation of affections and divorce suits filed in superior court here. She hired an investigator through her attorney and began checkup of the relations she believed existed between her husband and Mrs. ConKan. The report of the confirmed her suspicions, she states in the deposition, On one occasion when she remonstrated with Bernstein over his sociation with Mrs.

Coogan. he struck her on the nose, she declared. Blames Railroads For Low Mine Wage Washington, March 7 deplorable economic conditions in the central competitive biteminous fields, John L. Lewis, prestdent of the United Mine Workers of America, today laid the situation primarily to what he termed a conspiracy among the This conspiracy has two.fold purpose, to reduce coal costs to the carriers and to keep down the level of wastes for miners and railroad men, Lewis charged as he presented the opening statement for the now unemployed union miners in the senate investigation ordered under the Johnson resolution. Lady Balley, the famous British flying woman, has been awarded the international trophy for wethen by the International League of Aviators for her altitude record for light air planes.

She reached a beight of 18,000 feet last July. A Hit in Hollywood Myron Selznick, top, Hollywood Aim agent, la reported to have engaged in a fist fight with John Barrymore, below, actor, on a Los Angeles hotel lawn, and further reports have it that Selanick scored a substantial hit. News Shorts Indianapolis George R. Dale, militant 60-year old editor of the Muncie (Ind.) Post Democrat, who conducted a four sear fight to escape a contempt sentence Imposed on him by Judge Clarence I. Dearth.

of the Delaware county eireut court. Wednesday entered his nathe in the Democratic race for the Indiana gubernatorial nomination. Dale's contempt case gained nation -wide attention, when the Indiana supreme court ruled that the "truth is DO defense." San Francisco (UP) -Said by lice and friends to, have been veritable victim the "dark strangler," who murdered his wife here in 1926, Joseph St. Nary, 60. committed suicide here Wednesday by jumping into the bay.

Friends sald he had been despondent since his wife's death. Earl Nelson, believed to have been the "strangler" who murdered score of Pacific coast women. was executed for similar murder in Winnipeg in January. Denver. Colo.

men early Wednesday up the office of "The Sears Roebuck Retail Auto Store here, and two customers who were in the store, robbed the cash register of about 8500, and escaped in a Ford sedan which bore no 11- cense plates. White Plains, N. Y. The of the late Edward Fitzgerald, better known Eddie Foy, staRe comedian, leaves his entire estate to his widow--his fourth wife- Mrs. Marie Fitzgerald.

A son, Charles Fitzgerald, was named as executor. The value of the estate was not disclosed. Washington (AP)-The American merchant marine can be made "reserve navy, In the opinion of Rear Admiral Richard H. Leigh, chief of the bureau of navigation, who Wednesday told the house mergress should its pending chant marine committee, that conshipping legislation, provisions to create A seagoing naval reserve of the officers and crews on the merchant fleet." The pressing need of American mail carrying ships is more speed, he said, adding that knot an speed is the present goal for oceanic malls." Marysville, Ohio (1P) -Dreased in the dull gray garb provided for reformatory Wednesday inmates, began MrA. the Velma quest for happiness she bard missed as the wife of 1.

Edward West, Perry, Ohio, nurseryman. The girl who became bored with the sinal! town life of Perry seemed strangely happy as she submitted to the medical exa mination and taking of Bertillion measurements required by prison reg ulations. Unless she receives A parole after 10 years, the former Cleveland society girl will spend the rest of her life behind prison bars. Buffalo. N.

Ralph Mark, 13 year-old marine engineer, admitted to county court jury Wednesday afternoon that he had three wives. but refused to tell how many more. He was sentenced to prison for five to ten years. To Question LaVerne About Girl's Murder Los Angeles, March 7 (UP) A though he has denied any connertion with the kidnaping and murder of 5-year-old Lucille Davenport near Eureka last July, Charles La Verne will be taken to the northern city Thursday for further qoestioning. La Verne was alleged to have admitted to a friend that he assaulted the girl and then left her unconsclous in the woods, Bath House Co.

Must Pay for Boy's Death Los Angeles, March 7 (UP) -The Long Beach Bath House Amuse meat company and Harry Dieney, life gourd, were ordered today to pay a Judgment of 87,000 to Mr. and MrN. A. J. Scott.

who asserted their son Leonard. 8, died of injuries ceived when he was harked into swimming pool by Dienes in Feb ruary, 1927. Dies After Seeing Own Heart Beat Santa Rosa, Cal, March H. Nobles, rancher, enjoyed a privilege allowed to meD -he watched his heart beat but be paid for it with death here today, Nobles underwent an operation for the removal of pus sacs upon the yesterday, SurXeons applied local aesthetics, removed sections of three ribs and allowed him to watch his heart beat in mirror before they removed the sacs. He died suddenly Weduesday, Ferris Comes Out In Walsh's Support Detroit, March 5 (UP).

Senator W. N. Ferris, in a letter to Chairman William A. Comstock of the state Democratic committee, announced today that he would not be a candidate for re-election. The senator also came out In Support of Thomas J.

Walsh of MonTana for the Democratic presidential nomination, and announced he would "not support" Gov. Smith of New York. TAY-PAY RILES WOMEN. Women sociological lead. ers are bitterly criticising T.

('Connor's declaration that if hr had his way every girl of 18 would have to get married. For Fourth Time Doomed To. Hang Salem, March 7 (UP) ---Defeated at every turn of his fight to escape the gallows, Ellsworth Kelley stood in circait court here today and beard his sentence to hang pronounced for the fourth and probably last time, In a cell of the state prison nearby another condemned man, James Willos, knew that the words also meant his death because he was an accomplice of Kelley in daring prison break that resulted in the murder of two prison guards. Friday, April sentenced, is considKelley was to hang on will terminate Willos's appeal ered likely that the state, executive on the night of April 13 40 that the two will have to go to their death together. Kelley was first sentenced to serve 20 in the penitentiary for help ing years convict escape and under an Oregon law that person aiding anpother to escape is to be punished by the same sentence as was 111 posed on the person he helped to exreape.

He assisted Bert "Oregon" Jones in fleeing from a county Jail On August 12, 1925, Kelley, lox, Jones and another convict, Tom Murray, dropped out of line going to dinner in the state penitentiary, stormed the warden's office and ohtained revolvers. They shot their over the walls, killing John Sweeney and Tom Holman, guards. They were apprehended within few days and following conviction at their trial were sentenced to hang on January 8, 1926. Murray committed suicide in the death cell. In a statement today, Kelley de nied any part in the shooting durIn the prison break.

Infant Daughter Of Emperor Dead Tokyo, March 7 (AP). -The months-old daughter of Emperor Hirohito of Japan died today, "Complications following pneumonia" was assigned as the cause of the death of the imperial baby, who had been critically ill for several days. The child originally was attacked by influenza. from which the peror himself also suffered, togetber with thousands of Japanese people. It was announced resterday that the emperor was convalescent.

Map Shows El Paso Area "In the White" 'The map published by the Na ton's Business, showing El Paso, New Mexico, parts of Arizona and southern portions of sontbern California in the which signifies conditions in these parts are escetlent, is being used to attract the national advertiser use space In made and are being mailed out to these sections. Copies, have been these. The Gateway club is keeping a cops to show visitors. $560,000,000 In Notes To Be Sold Washington, March 1 treasury department Thursday will offer approximately $360,000,000 of treasury certificates of indebtedness in two series, Secretary Mellon nounced tonight. Mellon explained that these offer.

Ines, with tax and other receipts, will cover the treasury's cash quirements until June. One series, of about will be offered at 31-4 per cent and is for nine months, maturing Decernher 15. 1928, at 31-4 per cent and the other of about 8360,000.000 of 33-8 per cent for one year, maturing March 15, 1929. Both serles will be dated from March 15, 1928. cates, Mellon said the treasury In payment for new certifi; accept at par treasury certificates of indebtedness on previous series maTuring March 15, of which about are payable Thursday.

WATER CO. RECEIVER. DO Phoenix. March 7 Cleve Van Dyke of Miami today was Water Federal Judge appointed receiver, for the Gila F. C.

Jacobs of the district court. The action followed as the aftermath of a suit brought by Mrs. Ruth Withesk. a minority stockholder in the company, who alleged that the Gillespie Interests were attempting to freeze nut the minority holders. Popular Dry Goods INC.

0. Again -2-Year Old Rose Bushes 35c Each (3 for $1.00) TODAY IS It's Time to Begin Gardening Probably you have already begun gardening, but have overlooked supplying your needs. Trowels, rakes, hoes, weeders, hose couplings, nozzles, sprays and other equipment to assure beautiful garden this summer will be found here. See Window Display on Texas Street. "U.S.

MOLDED GARDEN HOSE U.S. Rubber Garden Hose For several years we have been El Paso headquarters for United States Rubber garden hose. E.very piece is guaranteed -every piece is thin season's product and coupled, ready for use. 5 ply plain tread hose 25-ft. lengths, 50-11.

lengths, $5.50. Corrugaled Grey Hose Heavy corrugated grey hose, recommended for its durability. Double corded fabric and fine quality gum construction. Each piece is coupled ready for use. 25 ft.

lengths, $3.50 50-ft. lengths, $6.75 Red Rubber Hose Heavy pressure, red rubber hose ol the P. D. G. label will please El Paso gardeners.

This is made of the finest materials in larger size. Each piece coupled ready for 25 f1. lengths. $3.75 50-1. lengths, $7.50 Second floor -Annex Our third shipment of 2-year-old rose bushes has arrived.

These will be placed on sale this morning. If you were disappointed in not These are sturdy rose bushes being able to purchase rOse from two to four feet tall, well rooted and come from one of the bushes from our two previous leading rose nurseries in Texas. sales of 2-year-old plants, be The varieties are ideal for El here early this morning. Paso Gardens. The Varieties Are: Red Radiance--Deep, rich red American Beauty--Deep red Pink Radiance- -Soft, shell pink Climbing Testout- Pink F.

K. D. White American Climbing American BeautyBeauty Red Lady Hillingdon -Rich yellow Los Angeles--Salmon yellow Mrs. Chas. Bell -Shell pink Paul Negron- -Double pink GREATER POPULAR DAY SPORTING GOODS SECTION Golf Clubs $1.25 Finalist Golf Clubs (woods and irons) are in this Thursday feature.

Drivers, brassies, spoons, mid-irons, mashies, mashie niblics and putters. All are well balanced and serviceable clubs with hickory shafts and leather grips. Golf Balls 39c Each (3 for $1.00) Goodyear golf balls, mesh marking and In red only, are another feature for Greater Popular Day. The quantity 18 limited, so make selections early. Golf Sets $7.95 Golf sets consisting of serviceable canvas caddy bax.

leather trimmed and steel stayed, and the following Finalist golf clubs driver or brassie, mid-iron, mashie, putter and two golf balls. The Greater Popular Day price justifies early purchases. -Sporting Goods Section -2nd Floor. Men's Golf Socks 85c Men's golf socks of medium Popular Day price is much lees weight lisle in different patterns than you would expect to pay and shades. Sizes are 10 to for socks of the same quality and Supply, your spring smartness.

needs today. The Greater -Men's Furnishings Section, -Street Floor. Leather Traveling Bags at $395 Traveling bags of serviceable refinished cowhide leather in stag grain are a Greater Popular Day feature. These are well made with double- ered handle and sturdy lining. These stitched edges, leather corners, covered are 18-inch size -black and brown frame, brassed hardware, leather cov- colors.

Values merit your attention. See the Window Display on Texas Street. -Luggage Shop-2 Floor. Dennison Handicraft Special classes in Dennison sentative. Hours are 2:30 handicraft continue this to 5:00 o'clock -mezzanine floor.

Making of Crystal wech. They are under the Trees is of the newest one direction of a factory repre- arts..

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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